Relationship Compatibility Between Zodiac Signs

Relationship Compatibility Between Zodiac Signs

Have you ever wondered why you get along so well with some people and not with others? Or have you wondered what kind of partner would be your ideal love match?  Read on to explore relationship compatibility between Zodiac signs to find out. 

The twelve constellations and their relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs: 

Capricorn Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Serious, committed and loyal, Capricorn is looking for a long-term relationship from the start. These old souls are not into short term flings or game playing.  They are looking to build an empire with their partner and grow old together. Best relationship compatibility between zodiac signs for these ambitious sea goats: Pisces, Taurus, & Virgo. Worst Compatibility: Aries, Leo & Sagittarius. 

Aquarius Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Ruled by the unpredictable planet of Uranus, you can expect the unexpected from Aquarius! Aquarians need a partner who loves to be spontaneous and light- hearted. Freedom is a strong Aquarian ideal. They appreciate a partner who understands this and gives them space to breathe. Best relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Gemini & Libra. Worst Matches: Virgo, Scorpio & Pisces. 

Pisces Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Pisces is one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac. They need a partner who can handle their deep emotional sensitivity. Ruled by Neptune, they are deeply intuitive. Being natural born empaths, they also long to feel understood by their partner. They appreciate dreamy and creative partners such as themselves. Best relationship compatibility between zodiac signs for the fish: Capricorn, Cancer & Scorpio. Worst compatibility: Libra, Gemini & Sagittarius. 

Aries Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Rams are strong-willed, often hot-headed and ready to spring into action! These fiery souls need a partner who will appreciate their need to take the lead. Aries is the initiator, and patience is not a virtue for them. They need a partner who can think quick on their feet and won’t feel pressured to act quickly. Best matches for the ram: Gemini, Leo & Sagittarius. Worst matches: Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo. 

Taurus Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Being an earth element ruled by Venus, Taurus loves to engage in all earthly pleasures. Taurus is a natural romantic who will sweep their partner off their feet. They need a sensual partner who is not afraid to fully explore the senses. Bulls can be stubborn though.  Their partners will need to be patient with them when it comes to this trait. Best matches: Capricorn, Cancer & Pisces. Worst matches: Aquarius, Gemini & Sagittarius. 

Gemini Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Geminis are natural born speakers and writers.  They need a partner who can make them feel heard and validated. Being very articulate, they love their partner to engage in quick witted conversations with them.  They are natural socialites. They want a partner who is not intimidated by their ever- growing list of friends. Best relationship compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries, Libra & Aquarius. Worst compatibility: Virgo, Scorpio & Pisces. 

Cancer Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Being ruled by the Moon makes Cancer one of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. They need a strong -willed partner who can support them emotionally. Their partner needs to be comfortable with their own emotions.  Being ruled by the Moon often makes Cancer moody and unpredictable. They require a partner who can handle these mood swings. Best matches: Taurus, Virgo & Scorpio. Worst matches: Gemini, Aquarius & Libra. 

Leo Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Being the most dramatic sign of the zodiac, Leos need a partner who can understand their need for attention. Leos love fearlessly and seek a partner who is not afraid to love them in the same way. At times they can be egocentric. They need a partner who does not become easily jealous or turned off by this. Best Matches: Aries, Gemini & Sagittarius. Worst Matches: Capricorn, Taurus, & Scorpio. 

Virgo Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Virgos are the most detail -oriented sign of the zodiac. They seek a partner who has all their ducks in a row. Virgos are organized, analytical and often meticulous.  Virgos want a partner who is down to earth and practical. Their partners should be respectful of this and be able to handle constructive criticism. Best relationship compatibility between zodiac signs: Capricorn, Taurus & Cancer. Worst matches: Aries, Gemini & Libra. 

Libra Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Libras are mentally stimulating and love the arts.   They want a partner who loves to be surrounded by beauty just like them. They look for a partner who dresses well and wears fine fragrances. Libras seek justice and order. They need a partner who lives a well- balanced and just life.  Their partner should also have similar strong ideals as them. Best relationship compatibility between zodiac signs: Gemini, Sagittarius & Aquarius. Worst compatibility: Taurus, Cancer & Pisces. 

Scorpio Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Like the other water elements, Scorpio is emotionally deep and intense. This fixed sign is one of the most spiritual signs of the zodiac. They are deeply connected to the spirit world due to their Ruler, Pluto, lord of the underworld.  They are deeply loyal and expect the same from their partner. The dark side of Scorpio could make them jealous and possessive of a partner who may seem to stray. Their partners should be aware of this and make sure they want to be in a deeply committed. Best matches: Capricorn, Cancer & Pisces. Worst matches: Gemini, Leo & Libra. 

Sagittarius Relationship compatibility between Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius seeks a partner who is just as curious about the meaning of life as they are. Their partner should be inquisitive and curious. Someone who is not afraid to travel the world will be better by their side.  They need a suitor who is not afraid to go on an unknown adventure. It also helps if their partner is well versed in foreign language and/or culture. Best relationship compatibility between zodiac signs: Aquarius, Leo & Aries. Worst matches: Taurus, Capricorn & Virgo.   

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