What are Master Numbers in Numerology?
Master numbers in numerology are significant same digit numbers. These significant same digit numbers intensify and heighten the attributes of their corresponding single digit number. As there are intensified strengths and talents; simultaneously, there are stronger weaknesses and challenges. Those with Master Number Life Path’s have greater responsibilities. They are also more prone to anxiety. It is important for those with Master Life Path Numbers to find healthy outlets for stress. Read along further to find out about some significant Master Numbers.
Life Path Master Numerology Number 11
The Life Path Number 11 is the path of an intuitive leader and/or teacher. The pioneering and leading spirit of the number 1 is emphasized. In addition, we can further reduce life path 11 by adding 1 + 1=2. This then gives us the heightened attributes of the number 2. A person with a Life Path Master 11 possesses spiritually advanced gifts. Their sensitivity to others is higher than that of a Life Path Number 2. They have a high calling to be a leader that empowers others.
Attitude Number 11
Attitude Number 11 possesses similar traits as the attitude number 2. However, a person with the Numerology Attitude Number 11 is more naturally comfortable being front and center. They are a more advanced teacher or leader.
Destiny Number 11
The personal purpose of a person with a Destiny Numerology Number 11 is similar to the Destiny Number 2. Both these Destiny Numbers are called to trust their keen intuition. However, a Destiny Number 11 is called to accept more responsibility and recognition. The Destiny Number 11’s purpose to society at large is to lead, inspire, motivate and transform. There is also a higher calling to foster cooperation among people.
Soul Number 11
The Soul Number 11 is similar to the Soul Numerology Number 2. Both have an inner most desire to create harmony and a conflict free environment. They both desire to help others achieve their dreams. Both take on a care-taker type role within a relationship. However, the Soul Number 11 will possess higher leadership qualities than the Soul Number 2.
Life Path Master Number 22
The Numerology of Life Path Master Number 22 consists of a combination of the attributes of the Numbers 2 and 4. Being that it is a Master Number, the number 2 and 4 attributes will be on an advanced scale. The Life Path Master Number 22 is a road of an inspirational builder. The person with the Life Path Master 22 is a leader of the building of systems on a larger scale than the Life Path Number 4.
Attitude Number 22
The Attitude Numerology Number 22 comes across as competent, honest and blunt. They are risk-adverse individuals. Their daily approach is systematic. They are quite similar to individuals with the attitude numerology number 4. However, individuals with the Attitude Number of 22 tend to approach projects and plans with a greater risk then the Attitude Number 4.
Destiny Number 22
Destiny Number 22’s personal purpose is to provide and build a legacy for themselves. Their communal purpose is to organize and manage with great diplomacy on a much larger scale than the Destiny Number 4.
Soul Number 22
Individuals with Soul Number 22 have similar desires as those of the Soul Number 4. They have an innate desire for problem solving, teaching and learning, and providing secure foundations. However, the person with the Soul Number 22 will possess a higher leadership quality. They will be practical in love, but more romantic than the Soul Number 4.
Life Path Master Number 33
The Life Path Master Number 33 consists of a combination of attributes from the numbers 3 and 6. Like all Numerology Master Numbers, these attributes are heightened and intensified. The Life Path Number 33 is a road of a compassionate and creative leader. It is also a road of family, community and service.
Attitude Number 33
The person with an Attitude Numerology Number of 33 is a nurturer who needs to be needed. They will come across as parental and as a natural care- taker.
Destiny Number 33
The Destiny Number 33 has a personal purpose of nurturing and developing their innate creative and artistic abilities. Their communal purpose is to teach others how to express their emotions and creative talents.
Soul Number 33
Individuals with a Soul Numerology Number of 33 have an inner most desire is to uplift those around them. Like the Soul Number 3, they long to encourage others. They are romantic in the way they express love. Also like the Soul Number 3, they may attract those needing rescuing. Being that they are a Soul Number Master 33, they need to remain vigilant in terms of maintaining personal boundaries within relationships. If they do not do so, they may find themselves feeling ill.