Your December 2020 Numerology Forecast: How To Leverage The #7 Energy For Spiritual Power & Serenity

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We are metaphorically looking through a doorway right now; a doorway into 2021. This upcoming year is going to call us to take risks, push the envelope and make bold changes, so we can make our lives even better.

So, what is the gift that the divine has given us, right before we step over this threshold, to prepare for the journey ahead? The 7! The 7 is considered to be one of the most spiritual and metaphysical numbers in the sequence. But WHY in the world would THIS be the energetic gift we were given?

In the forecast learn:

Why this 7 Universal Month is a gift and a key to your success moving forward
The benefits of tapping into – or reconnecting to – this part of your life
And how to specifically leverage the energy of the 7, so you can experience peace, serenity and faith as you move into a new era of your life…

Are you going to join me in the December Numerology Challenge? If so, comment below and let me know what spiritual practice is YOUR favorite!

Your Numerologist & Philosopher-friend,



About Natalie

Natalie is a Superpower Coach & Consultant who trains individuals and company cultures in using their innate, real-life Superpowers through Archetypal Numerology. She has been hired by anti-terrorism units, multi-million-dollar tech starts ups, leading general contractors and financial institutions, CEOs, authors, athletes, housewives and teachers. She is the future author of ‘The 9 Superheroes of the Universe.’ Check out her Superhero Training programs at

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