Your Personal Numerology Year Number

Your Personal Numerology Year Number

Your Numerology Personal Year Number describes your dominant favorable energy for a given year.  It is calculated by adding the four digits in the given year and reducing it to a single digit. Next, you would add the month and day in your date of birth and reduce it to a single digit. To reiterate, this is known to be your attitude Number.  Finally, you would add the results of both the given year and your Attitude Number together and reduced to a single digit to get your Personal Year Number. 

Numerology Personal Year Number of 1

If you have a Personal Year Number of 1, this year should be about focusing on you.  This is a great year to get involved in learning some DIY projects and kickstarting new ideas.  You will develop and maintain your self-confidence. You may find yourself in a leadership role this year.

Numerology Personal Year Number of 2

A Numerology Personal Year Number of 2 will focus on matters of the heart. Love and relationships will be especially important for you this year.  Use your intuition where love is concerned. You will achieve your goals in love without forfeiting your personal power and self-worth. 

Numerology Personal Year Number of 3

If you have a Numerology Personal Year Number of 3, your year will focus on creative projects and endeavors.  The energy is lighter this year and you will feel more outgoing. Your social circle will expand. You will attract positive people and benefactors. 

Numerology Personal Year Number of 4

A Numerology Personal Year Number of 4 indicates a year focused on practical matters. You will be building a solid foundation within a home or work project.  Continuing education will be of importance for you this year. 

Numerology Personal Year Number of 5 

This year will have scattered and fast-moving energy if you have a Personal Year Number of 5.  Networking and socializing will be particularly important. Unexpected opportunities will present themselves. 

Numerology Personal Year Number of 6

Commitments and contracts will be important for you this year.  You will have the ability to establish healthy boundaries with work and family. If you have a Numerology Personal Year Number of 6, you will be focusing more on issues and obligations within your home this year. 

Numerology Personal Year Number of 7 

This year you may be a bit less social, taking some needed private time of retreat for yourself.  You may be at a crossroads this year and finding yourself having to make an important decision before you can move forward.  There may be some communication issues within relationships.

Numerology Personal Year Number of 8

If you have a Numerology Personal Year Number of 8, you will be focused on material security this year.  Your career will be significantly important this year. You may see an increase in your earning ability and your finances.   

Numerology Personal Year Number of 9 

If you have a Numerology Personal Year Number of 9 you will be focused on cleaning and clearing your home this year. You also may be relocating. You may be reconnecting with old friends, family and important people in your life.

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