The Ascendant through the Zodiac Signs

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Signs

The Ascendant is the point where the zodiac, the Sun, the Moon, and all the planets rise and can be seen for the first time as they start their journey around the earth.  The Ascendant is the linking point between the Sun and the Moon, or our inner and outer selves. It is also referred to as a person’s rising sign. The zodiac sign the ascendant is in and whatever celestial bodies are in conjunction with the ascendant, will tell us a lot about the way a person perceives the world.  It can also tell us the way the world will perceive the person. Here is an overview of the ascendant through the zodiac signs.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Aries

A person born with the Ascendant in the zodiac sign of Aries meets and confronts the world in a very energetic and straightforward way.  They will love to initiate new projects and challenges. People may perceive a rising sign Aries person as immature or possessing a fiery temper at times.  This is due to their aggressive nature towards life. 

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Taurus 

A person with Taurus as their rising sign will meet new things in a very serious and slow manner.  They will not embrace change easily, often fixated in their ways of doing things. Others will see them as reliable and steady.  Negatively, some may see them as stubborn or too set in their ways.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Gemini

A person born with the zodiac sign of Gemini as their rising sign meets the world with interest, curiosity, and openness.  They will be happy to learn new things and to meet new people. People will perceive a rising sign Gemini as friendly and communicative. They will also find them to be articulate and chatty.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Cancer 

A Rising Sign of Cancer on a person’s ascendant will make for a person who meets the world in a very emotional way.  The external world will view them as a warm and compassionate person. One of the first things a rising sign Cancer person notices is how they feel in a new situation.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Leo 

If a person has a rising zodiac sign of Leo, they will be the center of attention at most events. People will see them as warm and charismatic.  Others may look to a rising sign Leo to be the leader in a group or situation. Negatively, some people may see them as egotistical or too dominant.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Virgo

Those with their rising sign as Virgo will be seen as people who place great emphasis on order and regulations.  Others see you as tidy, sharply dressed and always orderly in your appearance. Other people will think you would make a great administrator.

The Ascendant though the Zodiac Sign of Libra

Those with their rising sign in Libra will meet the world in a very active and engaging way.  They will make a great effort to make friends and to keep people happy. They may have a profession that involves helping or creating relationships.  Others may look to them as mediators and peacemakers.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Scorpio

Those with their rising sign in Scorpio will meet the world in a very deep and introspective way. They will be very sensitive, intuitive and observant about the world around them.  Their experiences of the world will be more subjective in nature, ignoring the facts of the matter. Others view them as deep and quiet thinkers.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Sagittarius

People with their rising sign of Sagittarius will meet the world in an optimistic and ambitious way.  Their ability to see the beauty in everything often makes them seem unrealistic at times. They will love to meet new people and to embrace the new.  They seek out expansion and new experiences. Others see them as open-minded and friendly.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn

A person born with their Ascendant in the zodiac sign of Capricorn will meet the world in a very serious and practical way.  When learning a new task, they will be most interested in the practical details of it and how to go about it in the most efficient way.  People perceive those with a rising sign of Capricorn as an honest and dependable person.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Aquarius 

Those with the zodiac sign of Aquarius as their rising sign see the world in a unique and unconventional way.  They will have their own unique perspective on things versus other people. They will react to new situations in ways that others will consider unique or exceptional.  Others will see Aquarius rising sign people as extraordinary.

The Ascendant through the Zodiac Sign of Pisces

If Pisces is a person’s sign on their Ascendant, they will take in much of what is going on in the world. They will be a very sensitive person who is easily affected emotionally.   These individuals are usually not focused on the practicalities of life, but rather the spiritual and metaphysical. Others will see Pisces’ rising sign people as sensitive, imaginative and dreamy people.

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