Angels of the Seasons
In medieval times, almost everything was associated with angels. Just as there are angels who are said to rule the months and hours of the day, there are also angels who are said to rule the seasons. Gustav Davidson, in an appendix to his Dictionary of Angels, reproduces an occult schema of angel/season correspondences that contain angels with unfamiliar names:
Spring Season – Governing Angel: Spugliguel (head of the sign of spring); Serving angels: Amatiel, Caracasa, Core, and Commissoros.
Summer Season – Governing Angel: Tubiel (head of the sign of Summer); Serving Angels: Gargatel, Gaviel,, and Tariel.
Autumn Season – Governing Angel: Torquaret (head of the sign of autumn); Serving angels: Tarquam and Guabarel.
Winter Season – Governing Angel: Attarib (head of the sign of winter); Serving angels: Amabael, Cetarari (Ctarari).
A more traditional schema is to associate each of the principal archangels with each of the season as follows:
Spring Season – Archangel Raphael
Summer Season – Archangel Uriel
Autumn Season – Archangel Michael
Winter Season – Archangel Gabriel
Angels of the Months
Just as angels were said to rule the astrological signs and the hours of the day, there were twelve angels who also ruled the months. The traditional correspondences are as follows:
January – Gabriel (or Cambiel)
February – Barchiel
March – Malahidael (or Machidiel)
April – Asmodel
May – Ambriel
June – Muriel
July – Verchiel
August – Hamaliel
September – Zuriel (or Uriel)
October – Barbiel
November – Advachiel (or Adnachiel)
December – Hanael
Angels of the Hours
According to traditional astrology, the day is divided into twelve equal segments between sunrise and sunset. These time segments will all vary in length depending on the season. On a specific day, the first of these hours is ruled by the planet ruling that day of the week. For example, on Saturday, the first hour would be ruled by Saturn. On Sunday, the first hour would be ruled by the Sun, and so on and so forth. The succeeding hours are ruled by the next planet in the following order: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, and the Moon. After reaching the Moon, one begins again with Saturn and repeats in the same order.
Medieval astrologers used their knowledge of the planetary hours to coordinate the specific times they would carry out certain activities. For example, Paracelsus, the Swiss alchemist, and philosopher, always chose to prepare chemical compounds on days and hours when the ruling planet matched the therapeutic intent behind his compounds. The angels of the hours are also the angels for the seven days of the week as follows:
Monday (Moon) – Gabriel
Tuesday (Mars) – Sammael
Wednesday (Mercury) – Raphael
Thursday (Jupiter) – Sachiel
Friday (Venus) – Anael
Saturday (Saturn) – Cassiel
Sunday (Sun) – Michael
There are similarities between the astrological associations of the planets and the nature of the corresponding angel. For example, Cassiel is said to be the angel of solitude, tears, and temperance. These are all traditional attributes of the planet Saturn. Following these guidelines, one would not schedule a party to begin during an hour ruled by Cassel (Saturn).