The Bible assures us that God has commanded his angels to guard and protect us throughout life. We are told that our Guardian Angels will give us strength in times of adversity. This message is given to us in Psalm 91 11:
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands, they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.”- Psalm 91: 11-13.
Guardian Angel Protector References in addition to Psalm 91:11
A prime example of a guardian angel is the account of Raphael in the apocryphal Book of Tobit. Another reference to guardian angels is from Hebrews 1:14, where St. Paul says, “Are they all not ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” Yet another classic example of a guardian angel serving as a protector is from Acts 12:5-11. In this scripture, a guardian angel appears to Peter, who is waiting to be executed.
The Book of Revelations also references guardian angels. In this scripture, angels are assigned to churches, cities, and nations. Seven angels are put in charge as ministers of the seven churches. These seven churches are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea during the final days before the second coming of Christ.
Catholicism teaches that every country, city, town, village, parish, and family has its own guardian angel, as do altars, churches, dioceses, and religious institutions. The Roman Catholic Church celebrates a feast day to the guardian angels on October 2nd (Lewis & Oliver, 2008).
In his book, Angelographia, Puritan writer Increase Mather says, “Angels both good and bad have a greater influence on this world than men generally are aware of. We ought to admire the grace of God toward us sinful creatures in which He hath appointed His holy angels to guard us against mischiefs of wicked spirits who are always intending our hurt both to our bodies and to our souls.” This reinforces the word of Psalm 91 11.
How do Guardian Angels Protect and Guide us?
Guardian Angels will do all they can to protect us, however, they cannot interfere with our free will. If we consciously decide to make risky choices and put ourselves in danger, it takes us out of our safety zone. The angels will protect and guide us by sending us subtle messages and gentle nudges.
Therefore, it is important to listen to and develop our intuition and discernment. We should take time to practice communicating with our Guardian angels and calling upon them for help. This will help us to feel their presence in our lives more strongly. It is easy to get carried away with mundane life. Psalm 91 11 always reminds us of God’s eternal word and promises to us about our Guardian Angel protectors.