UFOs, Angels, and Religious Significance
According to Judeo-Christian scripture, the Supreme Deity resides in a celestial abode. This is referenced in the Exodus passage about how “the Lord looked down on the Egyptian army” (14:24) to Jesus’ mention of God as “Our Father who art in Heaven”. Angels, too, have traditionally been viewed as celestial beings by virtue of their wings.
UFOs or flying saucers have been invested with religious significance almost from the time they became a public phenomenon in the 1950s. We can see the religious portrayal of UFOs expressed almost unconsciously through certain themes in UFO literature.
Decades ago, the psychiatrist Carl Yung also noticed religious themes in UFO studies. He dubbed flying saucers as “technological angels”. This referred to angels for an age that can no longer believe in the supernatural but can believe in fantastic technological achievements.
The celestial origin of the “space brothers” was an obvious theme. Often, stories of encounters with space beings feature messages or warnings to earthlings from advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. In this role, they perform the central defining function of angels.
During the 1950’s it was particularly thought that the space brothers might intervene in human history to save humanity from self-destructive tendencies. By doing this, we can see again that they were playing a role traditionally reserved for angels.
Extraterrestrials playing the Roles of Fallen Angels
The abduction theme came to concern in ufological literature also during the 1950s. Novelized accounts and individual stories of accounts of abductions by aliens came to be of great interest to the public. By the early 1990s, more books on the abduction phenomenon were being published than all other ufological topics combined.
All of these accounts seem to portray malevolent aliens subjecting abductees to some kind of painful operation. In these narratives, extraterrestrials play the role of fallen angels. We can see here that if the earlier concept of the space brothers represented technological angels, then the abducting types of more recent decades can be considered technological devils.
The Alien, Fallen Angel, and Nephilim Connection
There has been yet another persistent topic in ufological literature. This topic focused on the theme that the human race is the product of genetic experimentation by aliens a millennia ago with an earlier race of humanoid monkeys. This “ancient astronauts” view sometimes includes a sexual theme also.
This sexual theme says that the aliens sexually abused our ancestors, or that the extraterrestrials (also considered fallen angels), mated with earth women to produce a superior race. Advocates of this peculiar view often cite the Genesis verses about Nephilim:
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the Sons of God came into the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, men of renown. – Genesis 6:4.
These “Sons of God,” according to this line of interpretation, are the aliens who produced the Nephilim, a superior race. The race was produced by means of genetic manipulation or sexual insemination.