Did you know there are over 80 different branches of Astrology in existence? While some systems are more popular and widely used, others are only used minimally or by select groups. Each branch varies in its orientation, area of focus and usage. However, at the root of all branches are the cosmos. Here are twelve examples that are worth learning more about.
Sidereal (Vedic) Astrology
Sidereal, or Vedic Astrology, is based on the ancient traditions of the Hindus. This branch of Astrology is also known as “Jyotish,” meaning “the science of light.” It is derived from the Vedas, one of the oldest and sacred scripts of India. Vedic Astrology is just one branch of the Vedas. Reincarnation, karma and karmic debt are all central themes of Vedic Astrology. The planets are viewed as the karma of the soul. Vedic Astrology seeks to offer planetary solutions to help balance karmic impulses.
Western Astrology
Western Astrology works through the tropical zodiac. It is the most popular and well-known branch of Astrology in the Western world. Western Astrology is what we see mostly in pop culture, social media, daily horoscopes and natal chart Astrology.
Karmic Astrology focuses on discovering your current destiny and past lives. It uses the lunar nodes, Moon speed, and other specific elements. Karmic Astrology can also help you learn about your karmic lessons you have brought with you from your past lives. It also helps identify the characteristics and life lessons you should embrace that are best suited for your current and future destiny.
Horary Astrology
Horary Astrology is an ancient and unique branch of Astrology. It is used to construct a horoscope at a specific given time that focuses on answering a specific question. This strict branch of Astrology is not based off Natal Chart Astrology. The key elements it is based off are the lunar nodes, the planetary antiscia, the fixed stars and the Arabic parts.
Medical Astrology
Medical Astrology is a branch of Astrology that studies the relationship between the biological body and the cosmos. For example, each body part is associated with a zodiac sign or celestial body. Different planets rule different organs in the body. For example, a person may want to consult Medical Astrology to better understand a physical ailment, or the best time to heal from it.
Relationship Astrology
Relationship Astrology focuses on the compatibility between people in relationships. It can otherwise be known as Astrology Synastry. For example, this is when two people’s natal charts are compared side by side. The two charts are analyzed for compatibility, weaknesses and challenges among the two.
Vocational Astrology
Vocational Astrology focuses on studying Astrology for the purpose of Career and Employment. For example, when someone wants to know the best time to apply for a job, they would use Vocational Astrology. Vocational Astrology can also be used to look for a person’s career potential.
Humanistic Astrology
Humanistic Astrology focuses on free will and self-determination. This theory of Astrology does not define Astrological transits and aspects as necessarily good or bad. It is human focused rather than event focused. This person- centered Astrology theory says a person defines their own reality as they see it. Astrological transits provide them with guidance, choices and options. It is up to the person to choose what is best for them.
Fixed Stars Astrology focuses on interpreting what specific stars and star clusters mean in a person’s natal chart. It is important to note that for any of the fixed stars to have an impact on your Natal Chart, they must be within one degree and in conjunction with one of your personal planets. There are common fixed stars that are used for chart analysis such as the four Persian Royal Fixed Stars, Caput Algol, Baten Kaitos and Hamal, to name a few.
Psychological Astrology
Psychological Astrology is also known as astropsychology. This branch of Astrology combines Astrology and psychology. With the psychology component, there is a blend of humanistic and transpersonal psychology. It is quite similar to Humanistic Astrology, as it is person focused rather than event focused. Horoscopes are usually analyzed using Jungian archetypes.
Esoteric Astrology
Esoteric Astrology studies soul evolution and spiritual causes for human behavior. It is integrated with the seven rays, or seven universal energy streams. Esoteric Astrology often includes analysis of specific celestial bodies usually not mentioned in typical Western Astrology. One prime example is the Vulcan. Vulcan is a non-physical planet which acts as both an anchor and purifies both physically and spiritually.
Magical Talisman Astrology
Magical Talisman Astrology involves making an object that carries Astrological symbols and glyphs. The Talisman is usually made with the metal or stone that is ruled by the planet or planets it invokes. Talisman can be made at specific times and charged with specific planetary energies. Many talismans are created and inspired by Natal Birth Charts.
I am new to Astrology and this information is very interesting.
Thank you!