The original Chinese Astrology system was based on the theory of the twelve earth branches, governed by the twelve-year lunar cycle. Animal correspondences were added later on. Here we will go over the twelve Earth branches and their Western correspondences.
We will then look at some other correspondences, namely, the Ascendant Hours and the Triangles of Affinity. The 24 hours of the day are divided into 12 segments of ascendant hours. Each one is governed by one of the earth branches.
The 12 Earth Branches in Chinese Astrology, their Western Correspondences and Ascendant Hours
Branch Number One’s name is Zi. Its animal attribution is the rat. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is the Sagittarius. Its ascendant hours are 11 pm until 1 am.
Branch Number Two’s name is Chou. Its animal attribution is the Ox. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Capricorn. Its ascendant hours are 1 am until 3 am.
Branch Number Three’s name is Yin. Its animal attribution is the Tiger. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Aquarius. Its ascendant hours are 3 am until 5 am.
Branch Number Four’s name is Mao. Its animal attribution is the Rabbit. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Pisces. Its ascendant hours are 5 am until 7 am.
Branch Number Five’s name is Chen. Its animal attribution is the dragon. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Aries. Its ascendant hours are 7 am until 9 am.
Branch Number Six’s name is Si. Its animal attribution is the snake. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Taurus. Its ascendant hours are 9 am until 11 am.
Branch Number Seven’s name is Wu. Its animal attribution is the horse. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Gemini. Its ascendant hours are 11 am until 1 pm.
Branch Number Eight’s name is Wei. Its animal attribution is the Sheep. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Cancer. Its ascendant hours are 1 pm until 3 pm.
Branch Number Nine’s name is Shen. Its animal attribution is the Monkey. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Leo. Its ascendant hours are 3 pm until 5 pm.
Branch Number Ten’s name is You. Its animal attribution is the Rooster. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Virgo. Its ascendant hours are 5 pm until 7 pm.
Branch Number Eleven’s name is Xu. Its animal attribution is the Dog. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Libra. Its ascendant hours are 7 pm until 9 pm.
Branch Number Twelve’s name is Hai. Its animal attribution is the Boar. Its Western zodiac sign correspondence is Scorpio. Its ascendant hours are 9 pm until 11 pm.
The Triangles of Affinity in Chinese Astrology
Just as the twelve Western zodiac signs are grouped into elements, the cycle of the twelve earth branches in Chinese Astrology can be divided into the Triangles of Affinity.
The Chinese zodiac signs of the rat, the dragon, and the monkey belong to the affinity of the Triangle of the Doers.
The Chinese zodiac signs of the Ox, Snake, and the Rooster belong to the affinity of the Triangle of the Thinkers.
The Chinese zodiac signs of the Tiger, Horse, and the Dog belong to the affinity of the Triangle of the Protectors.
The Chinese zodiac signs of the Rabbit, Sheep, and the Pig belong to the affinity of the Triangle of Compatibility.