Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!
There is a New Moon and Solar eclipse occurring in the sign of Sagittarius on Monday, amplifying our curiosity regarding the world around us, as well as our need for new experiences.
The Moon moves into responsible Capricorn on Tuesday, while Venus rests in harmony with Saturn – both of these transits fill us with energy and encourage us to focus on existing projects. The Moon continues in Capricorn on Wednesday, but it will be in tension with Pluto and Saturn – both of which can cause pressure and stress on your body and mind.
The Moon is moving into futuristic Aquarius on Thursday, helping us focus more on the possibilities of the future. The Moon moves into sensitive Pisces on Saturday, while Jupiter moves into Aquarius – Jupiter in Aquarius brings new philosophies, technologies, and spiritual and global ideals.
Mercury moves into pragmatic Capricorn on Sunday, amplifying our desire to practice our traditions and communicate with both love and logic.
This FREE weekly horoscope is brought to you by Terence Guardino of
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