Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!
The Moon is in emotional Cancer on Monday, in harmony with the Pisces Sun, signaling enhanced creativity, intuition, and a desire for socialization. On Tuesday, that Cancer Moon is in harmony with Neptune, amplifying compassion and encouraging you to do something selfless for others. The Moon is in fiery Leo on Wednesday, urging you to let your inner child come out and play.
On Thursday, the Pisces Sun is in harmony with spontaneous Uranus, asking you to shake things up and try something new! The Moon is in sensible Virgo on Friday, interacting with loving Venus – it’s important to find the balance between work and play today.
A Full Moon in Virgo shines a light on hidden information on Saturday – you may learn something new about yourself or someone else today. The Moon is in harmonious Libra on Sunday, ending the week with balance, compromise, and a social vibe.
This FREE weekly horoscope is brought to you by Terence Guardino of
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