Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 6th, 2020 | Astrology Answers

You are currently viewing Weekly Astrology Forecast: July 6th, 2020 | Astrology Answers

Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!

On Monday, the Aquarius Moon is in harmony with Mars and Venus, encouraging time spent with loved ones and the acquisition of new information. The Moon is void of course on Tuesday, making it more difficult to concentrate, as the energy feels flat.

On Wednesday, the Moon is in Pisces while Mercury is in conflict with Mars – which can lead to feelings of anxiety or insecurity. The Moon is in Pisces on Friday and in harmony with Pluto and Jupiter, which can cause power struggles and a desire for freedom.

Mercury is stationary on Saturday, which can place the spotlight on your thinking and communication. On Sunday, Mercury begins to move forward again, making it easier to make decisions and clear the mind.

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