Have you ever experienced a time-loop or time-slip? Or had a vision that came true? Have you ever considered that time-travel is a possibility?
How could that be? Well, through a phenomenon known as remote viewing you may possess the ability to sense accurate details and information regarding a location, event or person without using your physical senses. It is similar to clairvoyance but is not to be confused with astral projection as your soul does not leave your body.
Still unsure? Here are 10 concepts that may explain this enigmatic occurrence.
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About Hayden Crawford
Hayden is the Founder of Dreemtime Academy, Spiritual Teacher, Wellness Coach and Colour Therapist. He gives overwhelmed women permission to explore and rediscover their inner wisdom so they can live life with more joy and purpose. Hayden works closely with the Colour Mirrors system to help you achieve the best results in the quickest time. This exceptionally powerful, colour therapy system was created to promote both personal and spiritual transformation. Want to know more? Get your FREE Colour Mirrors Insights ( ) to discover your biggest blockage to living a life full of love, abundance and happiness.
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Ah yes, remote viewing, a sense of being suspended and intentionally placed in a pre-cognitive state within the humongous COSMOS by the Cosmos, in order to gain a sense and subconscious “knowledge” and awareness of those time-loops and time slips. Visions of the past in present day, and glimpses of the future existing at the same time offering a dizzying affect as one seeks out that entry portal to that other place within the COSMOS.
No właśnie te sny wizje i inne nowe doświadczenia sprawiły że wierzę że istnieją.bo były moje prawdziwe doświadczalne i sprawdzone zanim zaczęłam o nich czytać i się gubić pomiędzy prawdziwe te co nikt mi nie wmówił ani nie zabierze bo je doświadczyłam.poznijsze szukanie dalo mi więcej inf. A tak jakbym się cofala i uczyła od nowa tego co poznałam duchowo ,a to co mówi nauka i prawo to błędne inf.czy n aprawde wiem coś co wszyscy chcą wiedzieć? Czy wiem co jest z tym czasem nie tak i są tacy którzy te inf chowają.lub czy mogę wiedzieć to co jest czasem presrzenia i poznałam je przy pierwszym doświadczeń i i jestem w grupie że mogę im pokazać ta droge bo znam ja lepiej. Czasami tak się czuje że wiem ale przekonanie dlaczego ja mam ten przywilej trochę mnie oniesmiela żeby tak poprostu to stwierdzić że bylam godna tego doświadczyć.czy to moje przeznaczenie ? A ja jestem za skromną by je przyjąć? I sama szukam czegoś by to potwierdzić? I chodź znajduje w tych wszystkich odsyłanych inf podpowiedzi to i tak czuje że to ja am ta główna odpowiedź.i mogę ja wyjaśnić zaprezentować, przypomnieć pokazać i uświadomić oraz nawrócić na właściwy sposób myślenia żeby to poczuli?
Chce tego ale nie wiem czy mogę przez te tajemnice do Okola.wiem że muszę bo to co wiem to dobre i uzdrawiajaca myśli,przede wszystkim pomagające wszystkim,ale czy jestem bezpieczna mówiąc to? Wiem że nie powinnam się nawet zastanawiać czy mogę bo myślę że muszę a jeżeli wy jesteście tu po to by mnie prowadzić ta droga to błagam już wiecie co mam na myśli ale do puki ktoś mi tego nie potwierdzi że mam rację,w sumie to być może sami nie wiedzą i tego szukają,ale ja mogę w tym pomodz i dodać więcej.ale niech ktoś kto tego szuka wyśle do mnie
Czlweka by mi to powiedział że tak jest i wtedy mogę to wyjaśniać przez Internet oraz kontynuować, lecz bez spóźnienia kogoś żywego że robię dobrze w tym kierunku,to mnie ogranicza.
Jeżeli chcecie i jestem z moja wiedza dla Was cena zróbcie coś żebym się przekonała że sobie tego nie wymyślam i ktoś n aprawde tego oczekuje.
Obiecuję i pragnę się dzielić tym doświadczeniem nawet w tajemnicy i jestem gotowa do tego.puki co nie wiem czy mówić czy milczec bo nie wiem czy darem tu na ziemi jest lepiej wiedzieć z czy się nie odzywać by przeżyć.
You had asked at the end of the video if anyone had experienced any sort of time loops or remote viewing of past or future events. When they first started I want to say I had been 9 years old going on 10 I want to say May or early June. It started at first as sleep paralisis growing stronger and stronger up until the point where no matter if I was taking a quick nap during the day, afternoon, or night time I was most likely going to have that happen. At first I had been scared because I couldn’t move and it was hard to wake up especially experiencing the types of entities or images that came with it. Also felt like it was hard to breathe. Took close to 5 years to get the hang of all of that. Now I’ve told family, and friends this but all had been met with skepticism and harsh critism. I’ve had dreams of events of future events such as people i’d meet and know and be intimately involved with but as the event happened in this reality I had only been able to remember back to what I had dreamt either minutes before It was about to take place, was taking place, or days after the event had taken place. Now I really rarely dream anything. There had been points where I could change dreams If i didn’t like it to trouncing through outer space or diving deep into whatever body of liquid and flying all over this planet and also others. They weren’t always fear inducing it had it’s up side too. I’ve also dreamt a white ball of light nearly everyday for almost 2 years on and off that I was afraid of until I got tired and stepped into it only to find it disappear and have another me stand in front of me. Now I just dream a dark empty void that’s infinite and I’m the only one there.
Wow… it sounds like you’ve had some amazing experiences through your dreams. I am so sorry you can’t dream of anything but darkness. What’s the meaning of this experience you are going through now? Why đo you think this was the outcome of your actions in that dream? Have your dreams returned back to normal yet? Was that reflection of the other you your higher self? Did another version of you in a different dimension trade places with you or merge with you? Are you a Gemini? Do you feel rested when you wake up or is it like you didn’t sleep at all? Pardon all the questions I’m asking, it’s just I’m so curious about your experience. Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us. I can only imagine how you must feel. I know some times life isn’t easy but it can always change. Being grateful for what we have and speaking thankfulness to the universe always makes for a positive reset going into the future. Love heals all. I hope everything works out for you. Best wishes to you ❤ ?
I experienced the exact thing paralysis terrified me through my childhood! My dreams were wild and so is my imagination! I’ve always had this sense of knowing! Loved reading that knowing I’m not the only one! Bless you all