12 Restorative Ways To Revitalize Your Spirit During Self-Isolation

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Given the current state of the world, it appears that ‘self-isolation’ is now the new normal.

While this lifestyle adjustment may feel like an overwhelming reality to confront, it’s important to remember that a positive mindset is everything. Instead of allowing yourself to think that the walls are caving in, consider this period as an opportunity to revitalize and heal.

To help you through this time, discover the 12 positive ways to make the most of this isolation period.


About Hayden Crawford
Hayden is the Founder of Dreemtime Academy, Spiritual Teacher, Wellness Coach and Colour Therapist. He gives overwhelmed women permission to explore and rediscover their inner wisdom so they can live life with more joy and purpose. Hayden works closely with the Colour Mirrors system to help you achieve the best results in the quickest time. This exceptionally powerful, colour therapy system was created to promote both personal and spiritual transformation. Want to know more? Get your FREE Colour Mirrors Insights ( ) to discover your biggest blockage to living a life full of love, abundance and happiness.

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