2020 Spiritual Lessons – How to handle life’s curveballs

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I’m so excited to talk to you about the energies of 2020!

There are many spiritual lessons ahead of you in the new decade

I want you to be prepared. In this video, I share with you some of the revelations you will experience next year and how to prepare for your spiritual lessons.

This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. Julia Turner-Qi

    I’m glad you got it all worked out!

    1. Kari Samuels

      Me too!

  2. C Lombardi

    OMG. Exactly the same for .ME Too!

  3. sally jones

    Lol 😂 when you said you were upstairs meditating I thought you said you were upstairs medicating 🤣🤪😁🤦‍♀️😂🥰🥰🥰

    1. Kari Samuels


  4. Melissa Berge

    Oh boy have I had some lessons happening in the last couple weeks…all good because I’m growing but my emotions are up and down like a rollercoaster 🎢 😃

    1. Kari Samuels

      It’s a lot of energy now.

    2. Melissa Berge

      Kari Samuels thank you for your humble message and guidance 🙏🏽

  5. Autumn tha biblophile

    Video suggestion: clearing karmic debt

  6. Kate Rogers

    Yes I can see the love and care you bring.

  7. Annemarie Oshelda-Gill

    Good that you could work things out. You are a breath of fresh air, you’re so lovely. Thank you for sharing all that stuff and for your time!. Have a great Xmas, and may your 2020 be abundant of everything you wish for. xxxx

  8. Cathy McCanta

    Kari, thank you so much for this video! Watching this, I’m now aware that everything I’ve been learning this year is to prepare me for the year to come. I’ve gained tools and information that will help me see the big picture and to know how to respond when those unexpected curve balls are tossed my way. This video was confirmation of that. Thank you so much!

  9. Nadia Davidson

    Responsibility = respond to your abilities. The positive way of saying take control of the situations you are in. Love how positive you always are in your videos. Happy 2020 when it comes

    1. Melissa Berge

      Nadia Davidson thanks for your definition. I have never thought of responsibility this way and it helps a lot to put it into perspective.

  10. VirgLibrSagLove

    Thank you, Kari! Your video helped me a lot! I had a crazy night last night, very much lining up with what is going on in the cosmose. It was helpful to me to remember that it is not random, it is all part of the plan, and to not freak out. And not go into codepant “what-ifs”. Things will fall into place. Lessons will be learned and taught. And everything will be okay. Thank you as always for your encouragement and guidance! Hug! 🤗🙏💞

  11. Kids books read aloud By Shirley


  12. Mamerto Borjal

    Hi Mam Kari Samuel Thats great planning

  13. C Lombardi

    Hi Kari I love your videos! I’m a Virgo with Scorpio rising and moon in Capricorn. I can’t wait for 2019 to end it’s been a very tough year for me You mentioned that we will still be dealing with Capricorn and Saturn in 2020..I was wondering how that will effect me and my moon in Capricorn

  14. turtleflowyoga

    The last couple yes have been very challenging and feeling the curve balls the last month. Thank you so much for sharing your examples and how you responded. Love the insight from your husband responsibility= ability to respond. Happy 2020. 💖

    1. Kari Samuels

      What a year! Wishing you an amazing 2020 and beyond!!

    2. turtleflowyoga

      Kari Samuels Thank you!!! Same to you! Your Life Path affirmations have been my go to saving grace. So grateful for you! 🙏

    3. Kari Samuels

      @turtleflowyoga That makes me so happy you have no idea! xoxo

  15. Nancy Jobbins

    Every time you say hi … I think about your sister 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Kari Samuels

      LOL so funny!

  16. Sara Whitney

    Thank you so much Kari! I can feel so much joy and love radiating through your words and teachings. 🙏🥰💖💖💖💖💖

  17. Katie Maniaci

    Growing pains is right. Thank you for this, Kari! Merry Christmas and Happy 2020!

  18. richard sciuk

    GEt activated by Suzanna maria Emmanuel & escape the dark matrix we exist within and save our planet

  19. Maria Triano - PA Dance Network

    Thank youuuuu, Kari! Phew! I needed this reminder! Lol! 😘😘💖💖

  20. J 9

    Thank you Kari, beautiful uplifting messages! 🙏 🌻 🌎 🕊 ♥️

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