Angel Numerology Number Six:

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In this article, we’ll be revealing the mysterious and divine mission of the Angels through Angel Numerology.  As representatives of God’s love, Angels send us secret messages, and sometimes those messages are hidden in numbers that constantly repeat themselves in our day-to-day. In this article, we’ll delve into the meaning behind the number Six, our way of caring for ourselves and others.

Angel Number Six Message:

It is no accident that in Tarot the number six card is the Lovers major Arcane.  The energy of number 6, in Angels Numerology, also that of love.  The decision to sacrifice for others, to put others’  needs before your own is one of the great lessons of love that life teaches us.

For some, that call becomes paternity, for others into a vocation of service, a profession, rescuing animals, forests, creating beautiful music.  The love of God flows universally from us and toward us, in an unstoppable stream as long as we keep our doors open. Generosity, passion, sacrifice; those are the keywords of number Six that you should keep in mind to understand Angel’s Numerology message.

Angel Numerology Lessons:

Remember that not only do you need love, but you also deserve it.  That is the shortest way to summarize the message of Angels Numerology enshrined in number 6.  Sometimes life puts us in situations in which we exercise caregiver roles. As caretakers of our children, parents, couples, many times we end up neglecting our own needs.  We forget that we also deserve attention and in one way; we forget our dreams taking care of others.

Set priorities and never abandon your goals. Even when giving love to others you need to replenish your energy and take care of yourself. Physical and emotional exhaustion are undeniable realities for caretakers, especially when it comes to patients they love.

Take the time to put everything away, look inward and reflect on alternatives to maintain a more balanced life: Those are the essential teachings of number 6.  Consider that your health is indispensable to continue fulfilling your mission on this earth.

How Can I Invoke the Presence of an Angel?

Dreams are one of the most fascinating and yet common ways Angels choose to contact us.  Recurring dreams of childhood memories, a casual conversation with a deceased loved one… Those are just some of the signs through which Angels communicate with us through our dreams.

To invoke the presence of an Angel in your dreams, it is recommended to start by performing a brief meditation before going to bed.

• Close your eyes and free your mind from concerns.

• Focus on the things that are worrying you.

• Communicate sincerely and from the heart with your Guardian Angel.  Ask for help in this moment of need.

• Pray.

Following these simple, but powerful steps will increase your chances of receiving the Angels’ message in your dreams.  Also, keep in mind that Angels Numerology can also operate in your dreams. How so? Repeated numbers, numerical frequencies, or a number directly whispered in your ear while you are falling asleep.  Listen, they are always here to help you.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. ethne

    I would like to know more about numbers

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