Another Number within your Numerology Chart is your Personality Number. Your Numerology Personality Number describes how you instinctively come across to others. It describes how the outer world perceives you. You can calculate your Personality Number by adding the values of the consonants in your official birth name. You would then reduce the number to a single digit or significant digits.
Numerology Personality Number 1
People with a Numerology Personality Number 1 stand out in a crowd. They are seen by others as confident and self-motivated. Negatively, others can sometimes perceive them as seemingly aggressive and/or controlling.
Numerology Personality Number 2
Those who have a Personality Number 2 are seen as modest, diplomatic, cooperative, and detail-oriented. They are viewed by the outer world as soft and opposed to conflict. However, they are often the strength behind the scenes.
Numerology Personality Master Number 11/2
People with a Numerology Personality Master Number 11/2 are viewed as intuitive leaders and sources of spiritual insight. They are known to others as having a positive aura and higher intelligence. They are capable of bringing about strong change.
Numerology Personality Number 3
Those with a Personality Number 3 are seen as the life of the party. Other people recognize them by their good style and appearance. They are viewed as optimistic, extroverted and witty. Negatively, they can be seen as moody and/or gossipy.
Numerology Personality Number 4
People with a Numerology Personality Number 4 are seen as stable, hardworking and trustworthy. People know they can rely on them. Negatively, they sometimes come across as know-it-alls or buzzkills.
Numerology Personality Number Master 22/4
Those with a Personality Number Master 22/4 are seen by the world as being conservative and having a polished look. Others see them as sincere, serious and trustworthy. Negatively, they can often come across as anxious workaholics.
Numerology Personality Number 5
People naturally gravitate towards a Personality Number 5. They come across as fun-loving, social, and witty. These folks love to adopt the styles and trends of the moment. Negatively, they can come across as overindulgent and/or non-committal.
Numerology Personality Number 6
Those with a Numerology Personality Number 6 come across as nurturing and protective. People naturally look to them for care and problem-solving. Others view them as very reliable. Negatively, others can view them as moody and idealistic at times.
Numerology Personality Number Master 33/6
People admire the inventive and creative minds of Personality Master Number 33/6 people. Others look to them for guidance and inspiration. They can be seen by the world as natural teachers. Negatively they can come across as moody from time to time.
Numerology Personality Number 7
Those with a Numerology Personality Number 7 are seen as private, introverted and eccentric. They come across to the world as deep thinkers and a bit mysterious. Negatively, they can often come across as cold or aloof.
Numerology Personality Number 8
People with a Numerology Personality Number 8 come across to others as confident, well-disciplined and organized. Others look to them to provide and/or delegate. Negatively, they can often be seen as aggressive and/or controlling.
Numerology Personality Number 9
Personality Numerology Number 9 people come across to others as natural protectors and reformers. They are admired for their giving and compassionate nature. Negatively, they can be seen as often passive-aggressive.
I was wondering if any of you can see the future of a love situation if it’s going to go anywhere or not in what this person feels
My personality number is11/2