The Libra Full Moon is on April 7. The Taurus New Moon is on April 22. Scorpio, your April video provides astrological insight into your personal development, love, career, business, health, spiritual growth, and prosperity and so much more. Enjoy!
Your Personalized Money Report is a unique and original report that highlights the riches inherent in your natal birth chart. Each report is custom made from your date, time and city of birth. It highlights some of the indicators in your horoscope that point to your inborn relationship with money. How do you feel wealthy? What do you need in your life that is of true worth? Also, are you able to attract material prosperity if it is indeed important to you?
Some people celebrate the New Year on January 1. Nothing wrong with that, but if you want to celebrate your personal new year, look to your Solar Return. Every year when the Sun returns to your exact degree at birth, you are in a new Solar Return. What Solar Return opportunities await you?
Great ?? Reading Mrs.Kelley,Best One Yet These Are Truly Great Times For Us Scorpio’s & We Are Very Proud Of That; Us Scorpio’s Have Always Adored ? You & Always Will, You Are Truly An Executive First Lady.✨♏️✨♏️✨?
Thank you, Kelley. Sending love
Thank you Kelly best message to hear as I celebrating my birthday today Pisces sun, Scorpio rising and Gemini Moon ✨???
Pressed like before watching. You really make the best forecasts. Thank you!
Glad you like them!
Happy birthday!!
Thank you!
You are so welcome Louis!
I’m a sun Leo, rising scorpio , moon in capricorn.
Kelley Rosano + THNK’s!! I Love You ? & Always Will.
You are amazing. Where have you been all my life:)
Love the way your reading ?? especially I love the way you laugh ??
☉Sun: scorpio
◑ Moon: scorpio
? Rising : scorpio
? Mercury : scorpio
❤Mars : scorpio
? Jupiter : scorpio
??:Zodiac : scorpio (Nov 19th)
???Heavy scorpio tingz ?❤♥
I’m so glad!
So what? 🙂
@Kelley Rosano your welcome ma’am
@Sascha Cajandig ❤❤
Scorpio here i hear u , if i was a low Scorpio i woild snap my stinger and snap peoples head off and show them the lesson of their behavior. .. Becaise thats what they need….. But my approach is different i prefer the eagele… Yes even eagle scorps got the same vinom…
taki faf That is also my Bday! And I have mostly Scorpio too!! ????♀️ ?☠️??
You’re amazing! Thank you. ??
Ohhhhhh. So heavy right there. I only have sun, rising, mercury, and its messing me up with people sometimes with how how i bite them with words?
you’re awesome Kelley tysm <3
Dear Kelly, What a blessing you and your talents are for me as I sincerely welcome guidance on the next moves in my winding, adventurous creative life. I watch for your posts and copy much of what you say down as well as entering some of it into my calendar so I have your details available to help me be aware of the Universe’s gyrations (planets included). All best to you for your own life, dear one. Gwendolyn Marie
@beautify by mariel OMG scorpios assemble??
@M&B Pair ikr ?
Thanks Kelley I enjoy your reading it’s 100% correct I am happy with your advice, I’m the kind of person that work, work never enjoy my self and selfish to myself just put people first rather than me.?
Wow, thank you Gwendolyn!
You’re so welcome!
Happy to help!
@Kelley Rosano hehe ??????????????
Kelly, I always love and appreciate your interpretations of Astrology. You are a true leader in this field. ?
I’m a marriage/family therapist who is making a pretty drastic career change to go where I’m valued and feel appreciated. Amidst this global crisis, thank you SO much for this glimmer of hope.
Thank you Kelley, YOU’re rockin’ awesome!!
You are so welcome!
Yes, I need Liberty, impossible isolated at home because of Corona
Kelley; love your glasses! Looking so good my dear! Keep up the great work!! Love ya!
These videos were recorded and published before the quarantine! Because I have been full-time teaching in January, February and March in my Academy with my YouTube Insiders course. The advice of socializing can be adapted to online until we are safe to be together.
Thank you! Will do!
Kelley, love watching you and your “very accurate” forcasts. I have to look into requesting to do my specific forcasts!!!
Love your readings. Can you edit without the jumps? Your previous readings were really smooth – so much better and less distracting! Blessings…