Get The Message From Your Higher Self You Definitely Need To Know! – Pick A Card Reading

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Discover the messages your Higher Self wants you to know right here and now in this new Pick a Card Angel Card Reading… You definitely need to know this!

Melanie uses a few decks of Oracle Cards for this Intuitive Reading, they are:

1. Ascension Angel Cards

2. Oracle of the Angels

3. Queen of the Moon Oracle:

This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Sigrid Aschelund

    OMG there is a beautiful rainbow🌈 close to your left eye. As for the reading, with the spirit quartz so perfect, thank you so much. Amen🙏😘🌌😇

    1. Sigrid Aschelund

      @K. Tutt Yeah I think it showed up in the Middle of the video

    2. Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler

      I have a crystal that makes rainbows hanging in my rainbow… This is the first time its made a rainbow on my face 😂😂😂

    3. Sigrid Aschelund

      @Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler Hihi me too😇🌈

    4. Barbara Tosh

      @Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler I noticed the rainbow too. Beautiful. I thought it was a lovely sign from the angels.

    5. Veronica Castaneda

      See it to 🌈

  2. Erika K

    Tap into the frequency of LOVE, of GRATEFULNESS, knowing that everything is working out in your favour, become aware and PRESENT and know that the universe is always listening, the universe loves you and the universe is multiplying your BLESSINGS every day ♡

    1. Erika K

      @Sipping Breeze aaw thank you so so so much!!! sending you lots and lots of love !!!

    2. Erika K

      @Mike Lucas Hi Mike !!! Thank you so much !!! and thank you for taking the time to visit my channel, it truly means a lot ! Everything that I share in my comments and my channel come truly from my life experience, my thoughts and feelings. I believe that we are constantly growing and evolving in this beautiful journey of life, there’s always something new to learn about ourselves, and I just enjoy sharing my experience with wonderful people and spreading a positive message to encourage and inspire others to be happier and free. Sending love

    3. Sipping Breeze

      @Erika K my heart is melting I just visited your channel 😭❤

    4. Erika K

      @Sipping Breeze aaaaw thank you so so much!!!

    5. Mike Lucas

      @Erika K Thank you as well Erika, I am so happy to receive a reply from you. I have managed to heal so much in my life, friendships, my relationship to abundance, but I am only just beginning to heal my relationship with women. This can be challenging because I am in a giving/receiving mode, and not attempting to get anything from anybody, but it is often perceived that I am wanting to pick up women. The words “I Love You” are misinterpreted to imply romantic love, and that usually has nothing to do with it. So with that, I really Love and Appreciate YOU. All the best with your videos!

  3. Wanda Morrison

    I had a dream of a little girl circling me with a ball from head To toe

  4. Kelly Perez

    Chose #2🙏 Thank you 💗 I’m open! Ready to receive ❤️

  5. panda lover

    She has a rainbow on her head

  6. Brooke Berumen

    This meant so much to me Melanie ❤️ thank you

    1. Stacy Guthrie

      Very right on! Mahalo!

  7. gkaplan28

    Hey Melanie, this pick a card was fantastic! I really received some powerful messages! Thank you, thank you, thank you!💜💛💗

  8. Janette Valencia

    I have watched many pick a card readings but have never been drawn to all the decks in one reading. I must say that they all really resonated, it’s like all 3 were intertwined and connected for me. Thank you Melanie this was an awesome reading(s).

    1. Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler

      Ah that’s awesome to hear! Glad this was helpful for you!~

    2. Arc Light Life Love

      Me too!!!

    3. Janette Valencia

      Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler 😊💕

    4. Janette Valencia

      Arc Light Life Love 💕🤗

  9. Carla the Destructor

    Okay, that was pretty neat! The one I picked actually verified the advice I recieved from your meditation to know our very next step from our higher self.

  10. Del Long

    Thank you tremendously, Melanie!! You’re very gifted at translating what Spirit wants us to hear & know. I am grateful & humbled by your work.

    I instinctively chose card 3. It’s exactly what I asked & needed answers for.
    Card 1 was the other one I chose after you said, we could choose more than one.

    Both messages were definitely for me but especially no. 3.

    Thank you so much Mel 💖💖💖

  11. Rhonda Tyler

    I have been missing the weekly card readings, but this was amazing! Thank you!🙏🏻 I picked card two and it totally resonates! And right before the new moon is perfect timing!🙏🏻✨ Thank you so much! You have been such a huge help in my ascension journey.

  12. Becks Macary

    Dearest Melanie, I came across your channel last Monday when searching for information on the 1111 portal.

    After watching your video, I felt inspired to go out into the woods and found an incredibly magical trail full of mini portals.

    I felt transformed and the energy has been building for weeks.

    I picked card number 1 tonight and the first 3 cards were mirroring the exact words I was channeling for a friend earlier today. About how I have been on this path and the wisdom contained was something I felt compelled to share with her. I don’t know if it will resonate, but that is okay. I understand her soul’s journey is her own.

    The last two cards – coupled with your enthusiasm – really hit hard. They contain the exact feeling I’ve had since 11/11. Infinite possibilities are available to me. I cannot dream as big as the universe can provide.

    You truly have a gift for interpretation and I love your wisdom, enthusiasm and passion. You are my new favorite channel and I’m sharing you with everyone I know.

    Thank you for showing up and offering such wisdom to the world. My gratitude is boundless and I am committing to the outcome of card #1 in my life so that I can follow your lead in changing the world.

    Bless you 🙏

  13. Danielle Mireles

    I chose 3, felt the connection to it right away…. and how accurate it was was mind blowing. Thank you Melanie this was amazing! Blessings🙏🏼❤️

  14. dinahh acb88

    I remember there was a day I was walking in the park and the birds were following me 😀
    Thank you lovely Melanie and Angels 😇🌟💖✨

  15. Gracie Stronk

    Me 2 days ago: “she should do intuitive pick-a-cards. She’d be soo good at them!
    Me right now: YESSSSSSSS

    1. Jen Jen

      Haha I had the same vibe… amazing!!

    2. Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler

      Ah thanks love! You were tuned in!

  16. Roxana Bowgen

    Melanie, what is the middle path? and why is it said we’re ascending into the 5th dimension instead of the 4th?

  17. Sunita Ranga

    Dear Melanie ,I chose card no 3. It’s wonderful and accurate reading. I am feeling blessed to receive more wisdom and light to fulfill my dreams by you.
    Thanks and Gratitude you

  18. Kelly Berry

    I also watched all three and they spoke to me. I am definitely having resistance to my higher self

  19. Sipping Breeze

    I LOVE YOU! some healers or mediums of channeled messages act as if they are knowers of all and only they can tell us something(very less proportion but bless them) but here HERE i feel the presence of my own awareness ,the universe and spirit of my own through you ..I LOVE YOU!you Melanie, my love are MAGIC ..and you reading this are a reservoir for infinite potential and peace and happiness ..may these beautiful vibrations channel through you in your life // lots n lots of love n light ✨

  20. Joanie Stewart

    I picked card 1 and it was so accurate in how that is everything going on with me now. The same messages I got from a medium that did a heart and soul healing on me. Amazing. Thank you Melanie♥️🙏♥️

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