June 20th/21st we have a Major Galactic Event and point of Zero Point Reset with the Solstice, New Moon, and Solar Eclipse! .. Are you ready for it?
There's a profound energetic opening, that's both bringing incredible light to the surface and revealing deep shadows.
Learn what this Solstice Eclipse energy means for you and how to tune into the new possibilities emerging in this intuitive energy forecast.
✨?? Then… For more support managing the energy… Check out my Eclipse Angel Activation series here:
Or… These supportive videos:
5 Things You Need to Know About The 2020 ECLIPSE Ascension Energy:
I also recommend listening to this free meditation with Archangel Uriel which reconnects you with Golden Solar Christed Light to restore your energy body and to prepare you for the new opportunities and openings that await:
Emotional Healing Process:
Soul Alignment Meditation:
#newmoon #eclipse #solstice