Space Clearing Invocation

You are currently viewing Space Clearing Invocation

A short and powerful Space Clearing Invocation that calls upon real angels to clear your space, raise your vibration, and shift your energy fast!

Simply relax and listen or repeat the words to invoke powerful Space Clearing assistance from Archangel Uriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Sandalphon, and Archangel Metatron.

Access the written version of this energy clearing angelic invocation here:

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This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. Mystic Traveler33

    🧡❤️💜💚💙Right when I needed it first thing that popped up randomly, didn’t even need to search😇 Thank you and many blessings to you.💖☘️🌸⭐️🌏🌈

    1. Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler

      So glad to hear this showed up right on time!
      💜💚💙 Brightest blessings back your way 💜💚💙

  2. Sufi Suzy

    Wow, this is so complete. Thank you 🙂

    1. Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler

      You’re welcome! 💜💚💙

  3. Iris

    Thank you Melanie thankyou Angels perfect timing such a powerful cleanse for my home i found it to be very uplifting .😇💖💖💖

  4. Farnaz HF Michalski

    Hi Melanie, I did feel a shift sitting at my desk. I will let you know if I feel a sense of change and lift in the remaining of the day or week. Thank you 🙂

  5. Sonny Beltran

    Thank you, that totally hit the spot. 🌌🚀🛸🛰🌠🔭💰🔮❇🔺️🙇🏻‍♂️🦄🦉

    And so it is!

  6. Karen Meyer

    I really really love this, thank you so much, its very helpful! Also applied it to my own personal energy space 😅💕😘🌈

  7. Shazza Smile

    Thank you this is so beautiful and powerful 💖

  8. Marisa Jane

    This is one of those meditations I’m going to listen to again and again. Beautifully and powerfully worded. Short and to the point. Thank you.

    1. Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler

      Yay! Brighest blessing 🧚🧚🧚


    Thank you very much Melanie!

  10. Neny Lei

    💖💖💖💖💖So much Thankful for this inspiring cleanse meditation 🧘‍♀️! Calling upon the lights of all Ángels to cleanse myself and my home.Perfect time for a brand new month. 🙏🙏😍😍

  11. Rose Ladd

    💌Thank you! 😇And so it is!

  12. Jeannette Diaz

    Amazing!!! I lost my pet;( n I been so down, hurt, n angry, this came in just in time, thanks so much Melanie,💕

  13. AVS

    This actually connects with a transcendental realm…..😊😊😊😊

  14. Tori Caldwell

    Powerful, effective, to the point & needed… love it!
    Thank you Melanie 💖☀️

  15. Anne Christine Rivera

    Perfect for my mom’s house. I have been cleaning and cleaning after her passing so my kids and I can make this our home. Many thanks.

  16. joyce

    blessings on blessings

  17. truth96130

    Will simply allowing the video to play be effective or should we also pay with you?

    1. truth96130

      @Ask Angels with Melanie Beckler Thanks.

  18. Flower of Life z

    So nice,I did it in my mind and feel better now!

  19. Maria Ciutureanu

    This is beautiful. Thank you. ❤

  20. Lisa Pieklik

    I really enjoyed that video all of them with the angels thank you Melanie ❤️

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