Tree of Life and Archangel Associations: The Spheres of the Tree of Life
Each of the spheres and the paths on the tree of Life possesses some basic attributions. The descriptions of each sphere relate in some way to how we can use them as keys into areas of consciousness. Before we look at the spheres’ archangel correspondences, here is a brief description of each sphere.
Kether – The Crown; the point within the circle, a pinpoint of pure white light that contains All.
Chockmah – Archetypal male energy; the first cosmic laugh; force; all phallic symbolism.
Binah – Archetypal female energy; form; the Great Mother; all yonic symbolism (relating to female organs)
Chesed – Benevolence, generosity, philanthropy; all stable, civilizing influences.
Geburah – Purifying, scourging energies; destroying in order to create.
Tiphereth – Harmony, the resolution of opposites; the sacrificed Gods.
Netzach – Romance; quickening impulses; arts and emotions; victory or achievement.
Hod- Intellect; reason and logic; communication; glory or splendor.
Yesod – Moon and the unconscious mind; instincts; foundation.
Malkuth – Kingdom; the material world; the four elements.
Tree of Life Archangel and other Associations
Each sphere on the Tree of Life has a divine name, a corresponding Archangel, a resonating color, and a magical image that it identifies with.
The Sphere of Kether’s divine name is Eheieh. Its corresponding Archangel is Metatron. Its resonating color or tone is brilliance. Kether’s magical image is described as the face of an old man, in profile.
The Sphere of Chockmah’s divine name is Jehovah. Its corresponding Archangel is Ratziel. Its resonating color or tone is Brilliance. Chockmah’s magical image is described as a masculine, bearded face, full-on.
The Sphere of Binah’s divine name is Jehovah Elohim. Its corresponding Archangel is Tzaphkiel. Its resonating color or tone is Blackness. Binah’s magical image is described as a mature woman.
The Sphere of Chesed’s divine name is El. Its corresponding Archangel is Tsadkiel. Its resonating color or tone is Blue. Chesed’s magical image is described as a wise king on his throne.
The Sphere of Geburah’s divine name is Elohim Gibor. Its corresponding Archangel is Khamael. Its resonating color or tone is Red. Geburah’s magical image is described as a warrior king on his chariot.
The Sphere of Tiphereth’s divine name is Jehovah Eloah va Daath. Its corresponding Archangel is Michael. Its resonating color or tone is Rose-pink. Tiphereth’s magical image is described as a child, priest king, sacrificed to God.
The Sphere of Netzach’s divine name is JHVH Tzavoos. Its corresponding Archangel is Auriel. Its resonating color or tone is Emerald. Netzach’s magical image is described as a beautiful naked woman.
The Sphere of God’s divine name is Elohim Tzavoos. Its corresponding Archangel is Raphael. Its resonating color or tone is orange. God’s magical image is described as a hermaphrodite.
The Sphere of Yesod’s divine name is Shadai el Chai. Its corresponding Archangel is Gabriel. Its resonating color or tone is Violet. Yesod’s magical image is described as a naked man who is very strong.
The Sphere of Malkuth’s divine name is Adonai ha Aretz. Its corresponding Archangel is Sandalphon. Its resonating color or tone is Olive. Malkuth’s magical image is described as mother nature on her throne.