Welcome to another segment of the Weekly Forecast!
On Monday, retrograde Jupiter is in alignment with Pluto – which is also retrograde – bringing financial abundance and emotional growth. The Sun is in harmony with progressive Uranus on Tuesday, encouraging us to learn new technologies and modes of thinking. On Wednesday, Saturn goes retrograde in Capricorn, which may bring challenging situations that ultimately teach us lessons.
The Moon is in optimistic Sagittarius on Thursday, encouraging adventure and mental expansion.
Venus begins to go direct on Thursday, encouraging you to open up and speak to your partner or loved ones about any misunderstandings that occurred while Venus was retrograde. The Moon is in hard-working Virgo on Friday, encouraging us to work on existing projects and be of service to others when possible.
The Moon is void of course on Friday, creating a stale, flat energy that does not motivate us towards action. On Saturday, the Moon moves into Capricorn, encouraging hard work and responsibility. There is a Full Moon and Lunar eclipse on Sunday that will start to reveal hidden information in the following weeks.
This FREE weekly horoscope is brought to you by Terence Guardino of
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