Aquarius April 2020 Astrology DEEP SHIFT Brings RELIEF & A New Start!

You are currently viewing Aquarius April 2020 Astrology DEEP SHIFT Brings RELIEF & A New Start!

These videos were recorded and published before the quarantine! Because I have been full-time teaching in January, February and March in my Academy with my YouTube Insiders course. The advice of socializing can be adapted to online until we are safe to be together. The Libra Full Moon is on April 7. The Taurus New Moon is on April 22. Aquarius, your April video provides astrological insight into your personal development, love, career, business, health, spiritual growth, and prosperity and so much more. Enjoy!


Your Personalized Money Report is a unique and original report that highlights the riches inherent in your natal birth chart. Each report is custom made from your date, time and city of birth. It highlights some of the indicators in your horoscope that point to your inborn relationship with money. How do you feel wealthy? What do you need in your life that is of true worth? Also, are you able to attract material prosperity if it is indeed important to you?

Some people celebrate the New Year on January 1. Nothing wrong with that, but if you want to celebrate your personal new year, look to your Solar Return. Every year when the Sun returns to your exact degree at birth, you are in a new Solar Return. What Solar Return opportunities await you?

Thank you for SHARING my videos! You’re Rocking Awesome!

Thank You for Subscribing! You Totally Rock!

Blessings and Abundance,

#AquariusApril #AquariusAprilHoroscope #AquariusAprilAstrology

This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. Nicole Hernandez

    The length of this video is 22:27 and I’ve been seeing 27 everywhere!!! I’ve always seen 2’s but 27 is so new and everywhere ???

  2. Kitti Gyuricza

    Love this reading. I am very ready for this. Change is happening already..

  3. Mark Galloway

    Thanks Kelley! Yes my energy needs a little freshening up lol

  4. Reydiant Reality

    As ever, brilliant. Thank you. Excited to see where this all goes.
    I have an intuition that something big is coming but I’m not sure what.

    Many blessings to you ?????

  5. CT

    Thank you Kelley! I’m ready for a positive change in my life 🙂

  6. KAY G

    Yes PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I need to be relieved and joyful . Remarkable new beginnings yes please!!!!! ??????

  7. The SoulTrekker

    Feeling the cleanup already. Recently I came across some major solutions to some hardcore difficulties I’ve felt stuck in for years. I know these things won’t necessarily be solved overnight, but at least I can actually see lights at the end of what’s felt like an endless stream of never ending tunnels in Saturns Capricornian 12th house of horrors.

  8. Kelley Rosano


  9. Kelley Rosano

    A vacation would be just the ticket.

  10. KAY G

    Had to pause while I got some things done around the house . Very interesting. Amazing new beginnings. ?? I’m excited and can’t wait . Please all my manifesting come true .

  11. KAY G

    Wonderful energy. Positive energy. Yes tonnes of energy ??

  12. Hanya Jon

    I adore your giggle ♥️

  13. Kelley Rosano


  14. Meghana Dhamane

    @Kelley Rosano yes, much needed

  15. Trend ZONE

    I keep hearing the same thing. That something big is coming. ??

  16. Maite Soria

    Thank you for another awesome interpretation!!
    Change is happening now! ?
    Aquarius 1/27

  17. PStv by Penny Salcedo

    Thank you, Miss Kelley! And GOD bless you more!!! You got me ALL THE MORE EXCITED than I already Am!!! Yaaaayyyy!!!! THANK YOU!!! ?????

  18. Linda Walker

    I always look forward to your videos. I love your energy, always found myself laughing at some thing you have said. Thank you for your guidance as we navigate all the craziness going on in the world.

  19. Suryarasmi Sahoo

    My life very difficult l am waiting the change my life

  20. Bunny Moonstone

    omg yesss collab! 🙂

  21. Man’s SuperPower

    How did this lady know that this shift just happened in me and I’ve been feeling so relieved from old life negative patterns? Thanks ??

  22. Man’s SuperPower

    It’s my first time seeing this lady on here and she’s one gorgeous woman!!

  23. Kelley Rosano

    I’m so glad!

  24. Kelley Rosano

    I’m so glad!

  25. Kelley Rosano


  26. Vijayta Kant

    Second coming happened…I have so much to say. How do I get started on youtube. It is about time I did.

  27. Reydiant Reality

    Kelley Rosano – If you mean me ??? ABSOLUTELY !!! That would be amazing !!

  28. Water Ski Lake Austin

    ?✨????? 2020! Age of Aquarius! Namaste …

  29. PStv by Penny Salcedo

    Kelley Rosano ???☝????

  30. Deborah Smith

    Gosh that sounds just like how I feel and the situation I’ve been in for so long . All the best x

  31. Elan Lason

    Me too 1/27

  32. Rebecca Lavnick

    @Elan Lason and me…..<3

  33. Rebecca Lavnick

    Thank you so much, Kelley, extremely positive and encouraging, whichever way things turn (whether a successful second coming or a new break or something in between..) for everyone (all aquarius-aligned), I think this is all great news and I look forward to a new break and resolving deep-seated (and seemingly unnecessary) issues and conflicts. Nothing is without reason I always think, and neither is any kind of suffering. I think the problem is that some people (like me) are simply more oriented towards actually resolving issues, which for others could appear like they are simply beating their head against a wall. But there are no rules for anyone specifically. You’ve demonstrated a range here that is open for aquarius, and that is awesome. For me balance (so my sister star libra~too) is of real benefit here. Taking hots baths, reading the tarot or lighting a candle in the evening, that is all really great for my health. I have seen a lot of magic come into my life and yes, whether I see the fruits or not, I know deep down it is all worth it. What I don’t like is the horrible illusion that everything is so terrible that occupies my feelings and mind so much of the time. I hope I can resolve that~ either directly or indirectly by going out to play. But I have always thought it is possible. Follow your own heart and you will always be right. So much love to you, I will keep an eye open for future inspirations from you. 😉 Rebecca

  34. courtney02161980

    You two would be a great combo. Can’t wait ?

  35. Kelley Rosano

    These videos were recorded and published before the quarantine! Because I have been full-time teaching in January, February and March in my Academy with my YouTube Insiders course. The advice of socializing can be adapted to online until we are safe to be together.

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