The advice of socializing can be adapted to online until we are safe to be together. The Libra Full Moon is on April 7. The Taurus New Moon is on April 22. Cancer, your April video provides astrological insight into your personal development, love, career, business, health, spiritual growth, and prosperity and so much more. Enjoy!
Your Personalized Money Report is a unique and original report that highlights the riches inherent in your natal birth chart. Each report is custom made from your date, time and city of birth. It highlights some of the indicators in your horoscope that point to your inborn relationship with money. How do you feel wealthy? What do you need in your life that is of true worth? Also, are you able to attract material prosperity if it is indeed important to you?
Some people celebrate the New Year on January 1. Nothing wrong with that, but if you want to celebrate your personal new year, look to your Solar Return. Every year when the Sun returns to your exact degree at birth, you are in a new Solar Return. What Solar Return opportunities await you?
Slow down?!? I was looking forward for an extra kick for all the projects I have … Or it is a sign you might be right 🙂 Thank you so much.
Have to recover from exhaustion and the Whirlwind windfall could be what I am due legally. Thankyou.
loving your new platform and introduction …. thank you.
Ha sounds like me I can work at home but I’m always busting my bottom to get to my desk ??♀️
Hey Kelly! I really like your new intro. Much better….Thank you for the wonderful info. You are amazing!
Kelley, your hair and blouse and makeup are your colors! You look beautiful.
You’re the best☄?
Greetings Kelley! You look amazing, so beautiful! Thank you for your wonderful reading. I pray all comes true. Have a great month. ???
Thank you! You too!
Oh thank you!
Glad you like it!
So glad!?
Best of luck!
Love any intro as long as I hear “You’re rockin’ awsome” in the end 🙂 It really makes my day!
Kelley, this is what I need!!!!! Bless your gift!
Kelley for long time I don’t have job I am single mom pray for me
My Venus is in Cancer. Sun in Gemini. Thank you & blessings galore. <3
Your glasses are everything? Thank you for the positive messages and your infectious giggle ?
When is going to be better? Because for cancer it has been a lots of challenges in the last 8 years …I’m sad
Thank you for a very informative and may I add a convincing reading.
Absolutely love you and your energy so much! Thank you!
Wow, thank you!
Glad you like them!
I long for the break-thru for twenty six years, All but nightmare & heartbreak.
I lost my beloved son aged 19.
Raymond Tsang
Sorry for the loss of your son , I know your pain, I lost my first son too , he was nine months old , not nine months pregnant ? he lived for nine months ?
Cancers usually go through a traumatic situation in their life which changes them forever ….life was not easy married to a gambler , but I got through it all and became a stronger version of Cancer ♋️ later in life .
Wishing you peace ✌️
Try praying ? for yourself, you are your most reliable support.
I’m not being rude , but I’ve learned you can only rely on you , good luck ??
Raymond tsang I’m sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace ?
I don’t understand why the cancerians are the most challenged in life and have so hard times . Please don’t feel alone. Big hug from me?
Love listening to you, you have a special way to predict and very entertaining with information. Very focused and clear yet entertaining
Glad you enjoy it!
I’m spending my prayers your way. Trust god it will happen♡
Hiking ? in the redwood forest ? in CA ❤️
08:09 work from home you are spot on Kelly
@Bob Willis
Slaves have to be sold.
Thank you thank you for all your input on our astrology . Your blouse is so beautiful and it matches your hair. You are gorgeous. You look so pretty. Again thank you always for your magical input
Thank you so much!
These videos were recorded and published before the quarantine! Because I have been full-time teaching in January, February and March in my Academy with my YouTube Insiders course. The advice of socializing can be adapted to online until we are safe to be together.