Daily Horoscope: February 25th – February 27th, 2020

You are currently viewing Daily Horoscope: February 25th – February 27th, 2020

Are you ready for the Daily Horoscope?

Only one sign apart, the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Aries. As the New Moon energy tapers off, we now are embraced by some Fire energy to pick things up and get things going. It is time to put whatever you manifested during the Full Moon into action.

Today: Pisces Sun and Aries Moon

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Michelle Rutt

    Thank you Debra! You’re amazing and sure do appreciate your gift 🙏

  2. Gloria Schultz


  3. Dawn Green

    Yes! The #DoublePisces was too much for me! (I have sun and moon both in Pisces in less than a degree from each other. I also have Mercury in the latter degrees of Pisces close to Aries and Venus in the early degrees of Pisces close to Aquarius.) I felt drained of energy and yet aware of my thoughts & feelings. Hopefully the Aries moon (which is in my 7th house) will give me the get-up-and-go!

  4. katherine hunter

    Both George Harrison and Johnny Cash are a couple of the musicians who I love and respect Debra.
    I absolutely love your readings of the celestial dance.
    I do find it very helpful.

  5. Daniel Cunningham

    What did she just say?
    USe this aspect to move some energy ??? If a baby were born today? I was born many years ago. I would like some guidance now as to what to do before I die.

  6. Lori Harper

    Thankyou Debra! 💖

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