Reality is different in different states of consciousness

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From Human to #Metahuman : Reality is different in different states of consciousness.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Awakened Sun

    Always it is a pleasure hearing your expressions.
    Thank you ?

  2. Total T

    Brilliant. I am going to have to read new book. Ty again. ✨?

  3. I AM love

    I’m the meta Joseph christ human who has many songs about me ?

  4. Jose Trevino

    Every individual on planet ? is in a different state of imagination (Consciousness) Imagination is the substance that link us all. Once we understand this, we experience total freedom.

  5. About Creativity

    Very good, ´´Meta-Human = Waking up´´. ´´non-local consciousness´´ ´´perceptual experience´´ ´´unity consciousness´´ ´´journey to Meta-Human´´

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