The Real Purpose of Meditation

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From Human to #Metahuman: The Real Purpose of Meditation

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Antony Joy

    Sir, please help me i am seeing the number 444 every where daily .I see cars with no plates 444 and 4:44 on my mobile phone more frequently i dont know why this is happening to me pls help me

  2. About Creativity

    Very good, I am not my body/mind.

  3. Mrs. Fred Burrell

    I have always believed, the person voted to President wins!

  4. Hsitas Amrahs

    Dr.Michael Shermer must go through real passionate meditation as practicals before criticizing Dr Deepak Chopra as he not able to grasp theoretically…Dr. Sharma Mumbai

  5. Detached And Free

    Sign of synchrodestiny?

  6. Conscious Universe

    well said .. have an oskar … ha ha ha

  7. Johanna Leon

    Deepak, cuando desees insultar a una mujer, empieza por tu madre. Estoy esperando el dinero que me corresponde por 9 años de soportar abusos y de impedirme trabajar.

  8. Johanna Leon

    No me envíes videos, a menos que desees hablar conmigo.

  9. Doris Pierson


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