What Is Ultimate Reality? Ask Deepak Chopra!

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From Human to #Metahuman

Deepak Chopra explains a scientific contradiction about ultimate reality. In science, anything that is not testable is considered invalid. Science depends on empirical facts based on observations. If we propose an observer-independent reality, we must realize that an observer-independent reality is not testable. So according to the current principles of science, we cannot say it exists. A scientific conclusion would be that an observer-independent reality does not exist.

It is an interesting paradox that science finds itself in. Science says that there is an observer-independent reality and you do not need a conscious observer to manifest reality. At the same time without an observer this reality is not testable, so it cannot exist.

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    no se si viene al cuestion…NO HAY NADA MAS DIFICIL DE ENTENDER QUE LO QUE ES OBVIO..

  2. Dr.Satish Sharma

    Yes…at present , science neither can describe reality by any mathematical equations nor have got any equipments to prove … Spiritualism is the only answer… ancient sages in India through Vadic scriptures /traditions have realized ultimate pure consciousness ( BRAHMIN) thousands of years back…. being subjective, what’s required is WILL to realize the same….. fortunately ,some great scientists have started realizing this fact/truth to achieve TRUTH…. may be even this WILL (willingness with attached sacrifices) comes with level of enlightenment achieved/evolved in genetic memories (achieved by forefathers and subsequently carried forward generation to generation and in India such family tree is specifically called Brahman and therefore revered.)……then in that case , no fault of skeptics by being skeptics……..thanks ?

  3. Reverend Eslam


    CONSCIOUSNESS means “that which knows” or “the state of being aware”, from the Latin prefix “con” (with), the stem “scire” (to know) and the suffix “osus” (characterized by).
    Higher species of animal life have sufficient cognitive ability to know themselves and their environment, at least to a measurable degree.

    HOWEVER, in recent years, the term has been used in esoteric spiritual circles (usually capitalised) to refer to a far more Universal Consciousness, due to the fact that the English language doesn’t include a single word denoting the universal Ground of Being (for instance “Brahman”, “Tao”, in other tongues).

    The Tao which can be expressed in language is not the REAL Tao. All concepts are, by nature, relative, and at most can merely point to the Absolute.
    That explains why some branches of theology use the apophatic method of pointing to The Infinite (“neti neti”, [not this, not that], in Sanskrit). Also known in Latin as “via negativa” or “via negationis” theology, this philosophical approach to discovering the essential nature of The Tao, gradually negates each description about Ultimate Reality but not Reality Itself.

    The brain is merely a conduit or TRANSDUCER of Universal Consciousness, explaining why the more intelligent the animal, the more it can understand its own existence (or at least be aware of more of its environment – just see how amazingly-complex dolphin behaviour can be, compared with other aquatic species), and the reason why it is asserted that a truly enlightened human must possess a far higher level of intelligence than the average person. The brain is the equivalent of computer hardware, whilst consciousness is akin to the software programme, using deoxyribonucleic acid as the memory chip. A person who is comatosed has lost any semblance of individual consciousness, yet is being kept alive by the presence of Universal Consciousness (here, the word “coma” is not to be taken by its etymological definition of “deep sleep”).

    So, then, one could complain: “That’s not fair – why can only a genius be enlightened?”
    The answer is: first of all, as stated above, every species of animal has its own level of intelligence on a wide-ranging scale. Therefore, a pig or a dog could (if possible) ask: “That’s unfair – why can only a human being be enlightened?”
    Secondly, it is INDEED a fact that life is unfair, because there is no “tit for tat” law of action and reaction, even if many supposedly-great religious preceptors have stated so. They said so because they were preaching to wicked miscreants who refused to quit their evil ways, and needed to be chastized in a forceful manner. It’s not possible to speak gentle words to a rabid dog to prevent it from biting you.

    There is evidence of consciousness being a universal field in SAVANT SYNDROME, a condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrate certain abilities far in excess of the norm, such as superhuman rapid mathematical calculation, mind-reading, blind-seeing, or astounding musical aptitude. Such behaviour suggests that there is a universal field (possibly in holographic form) from which one can access information. Even simple artistic inspiration could be attributed to this phenomenon. The great British singer-songwriter, Sir James Paul McCartney, one day woke with the complete tune of the song “Yesterday” in his mind, after hearing it in a dream. American composer, Paul Simon, had a similar experience when the chorus for his sublime masterpiece, “Bridge Over Troubled Water”, simply popped into his head.

    Three states of being are experienced by humans: the waking state (“jāgrata”, in Sanskrit), dreaming (“svapna”, in Sanskrit), and deep-sleep (“suṣupti”, in Sanskrit). Beyond these three temporal states is the fourth ‘state’ (“turīya” or “caturīya”, in Sanskrit). That is the unconditioned, eternal ‘state’, which underlies the other three. So, in actual fact, the fourth state is not a state but the Unconditioned Ground of Being (or to put it simply, YOU, the real self/Self).

    Perhaps the main purpose of dreams is so that we can understand that the waking state is practically identical to the dream state, and thereby come to see the ILLUSION of this ephemeral world. If someone were to ask your dream character if the dream was real, you would say, “yes, of course this is real!” Similarly, if someone were to ask your waking state character if this world was real, you would respond in a similar manner. The Ultimate Reality (“Brahman”, in Sanskrit) alone is real – real in the sense that it is the never-mutable ground of being. Reality is clearly seen by those self-realized persons who have experienced spiritual awakenings, yet only intellectually understood by those who have merely studied spiritual topics (that is, practiced one of the four systems of religion described in Chapter 16).

    “If you remain as you are now, you are in the wakeful state. This is abolished in the dream state.
    The dream state disappears, when you are in deep sleep. The three states come and go, but you are always there.
    Your real state, that of Consciousness itself, continues to exist always and forever and it is the only Reality.”
    ”It is fallacious to think that there is an individual self, which functions through the body and the mind.
    The ‘me’ as an individual self, is merely a mental modification, and there is no such thing as a mind, apart from thought.
    When the source of thought is probed continuously as it arises, it is revealed, that there is no such thing as mind, or an individual behind it.”
    Ramesh Balsekar,
    Indian Spiritual Teacher.

    “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about the atoms this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Spirit. This Spirit is the matrix of all matter.”
    “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”
    Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck,
    German Theoretical Physicist.

  4. Reverend Eslam

    Dr.Satish Sharma

    The English word “SCIENCE” originates from the Latin noun “scientia”, meaning “knowledge”.
    Science is an empirical approach to knowledge. It relies on experimentation based on observation of the natural world. Observation is dependent on the senses, and the senses are dependent on mind.
    The mind is a phenomenon arising in consciousness (even if one considers that mind is a function of the brain), and therefore, all empirical evidence is gathered and recorded in consciousness.

    It is impossible to establish the existence of anything outside of consciousness.
    How will one observe particles and their mechanics without the existence of consciousness?
    Consciousness is axiomatic for any statement of knowledge.
    All that can be said or known about the world is a phenomenal appearance in consciousness. Anything else is speculation that can NEVER be proven or demonstrated.

    So, for example, when a person looks at a tree, he or she is not actually seeing the tree, but interpreting an inverse image projected onto the retina of the eyes. Therefore, there is no real evidence (or at least, no definite proof) for the external world, APART from consciousness. Likewise, there are no sounds in the external world but solely within the mind, since vibrations do not produce an audible sound until they hit one’s eardrums and the signal is conveyed to the brain. That explains the Zen koan: “If a tree falls in a forest, and there’s nobody present, does the falling tree produce a sound?”

    As Lord Śri Krishna so rightly states in “Bhagavad-gītā, the King of All Knowledge (“rāja vidyā”, in Sanskrit) is the Science of the Self. At the time of writing, material scientists are beginning to explore the “hard problem” of consciousness. Assuming homo sapien society will survive for at least a few more centuries, there will come a time when the majority of professional scientists will acknowledge the primacy of CONSCIOUSNESS. Indeed, if humanity is to continue indefinitely, it is necessary for not only this concept to be imprinted on the human race but for it to be acted upon, that is to say, we humans must imbibe the precepts presented in teachings such as this Holy Scripture, and actively follow them to a very large extent. The alternative is the extinction of not only humanity but of most (if not all) biological life forms on Earth due to environmental degradation and immorality as a consequence of nihilism.

    Some of the greatest physicists of the twentieth century, including Neils Henrik David Bohr and John Stewart Bell, have hypothesized that quantum particles such as photons have no precise location in space (quantum nonlocality) until they are PERSONALLY observed. This phenomenon was later demonstrated to be a scientific fact. Whether this should be regarded as proving that the physical world itself is “nonlocal” is a topic of debate, but the terminology of “quantum nonlocality” is nowadays commonplace.

    In summary, actual science and actual religion/mysticism are IDENTICAL, because Reality is singular. However, one deals in the realm of relativity, whilst the other (should) deal in the Absolute. To quote Austrian-American physicist Fritjof Capra, “Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science. But man needs both.”

    “Consciousnesses is [defined as] that in which all experience appears, is that in which all experience is known, and that in which all experience is made.”
    ”Everything that we know or experience is known by consciousness, appears in consciousness and is a play of consciousness;
    just like the dream you have at night appears in your mind, is known by your mind and is a play of your mind.“
    Rupert Spira,
    English Spiritual Teacher.

    “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”
    Professor Albert Einstein,
    German Physicist.

  5. Intelligent Infinity

    Let’s say I leave a video camera on recording an empty room and 24hours later have it remotely uploaded to YouTube. No conscious was present to create that reality yet the evidence would be there saying that matter was in fact present. Does this scenario not contradict the message portrayed in this video?

  6. Celine Cloutier

    How do you prove or test your love for your child.? You Cannot. It is a state , a profound knowing that only parents can experience. Can you say it does not EXIST because it is not one’s experience?
    What is awakening?
    What is orgasm?

  7. michelle romano

    The observer is the silent watcher of our human. Anything that u can’t hear, taste, touch can’t be tested. You intuitively know LOVE. We are born with it. I was born & NO love was given to me. My spirit is so strong that it overcame so many obstacles. I still knew love. I don’t know how to explain it. I know that we are ALL being of LOVE. May this bring us togethe. I love you ALL. ??? I am blessed & want to share my love to you thru meditation
    . I’ll be meditating every day (as I always do) I’ll be doing this more. Blessings to you all.
    DEEPAK CHOPRA, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  8. michelle romano

    @Reverend Eslam, thank you so much for this. ????

  9. Reverend Eslam

    michelle romano
    To read the remaining twenty-nine chapters of “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, which are the most accurate spiritual precepts so far in human history, Email:
    [email protected]
    with the acronym “FISH” in the subject field.
    “The gateway to knowing is IGNORANCE”. ?

  10. William Oarlock

    Humans are subjective beings that can determine points of an objective reality. I see no ‘paradox’ there.

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