Why Did Buddha Get Enlightened Under The Tree? Ask Deepak Chopra!

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Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree, which is now known as the Tree of Enlightenment or the Tree of Knowledge, and meditated for a long time. What happened in the time he spent under the tree? Deepak poetically describes what Buddha may have seen and explored what we can learn from this experience – including interdependent co-arising, acausal origin, impermanence, and more.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Meditative Mind With Binaural beats

    First like and first comment ❤️

  2. TheBhannah

    he didn’t “get “enlightened ! he just woke up .

    1. Reverend Eslam



      Any person who has experienced a state of cosmic awareness can rightly be called a “buddha” (a Sanskrit/Pali term for “an awakened being”). During such TEMPORAL experiences (that is, they begin at some point in time and then end at a subsequent point in time, even if at the time of death), there is usually a dissolution of the subject-object dichotomy, or at least a radical shift in one’s perception of life. In the most profound awakening experience, the perceiver, the perceived, and the perceiving, unify.

      Awakening means to see clearly that one’s persona is but a character in a dream of The Absolute, and that one is essentially that Flawless Awareness. Therefore, it is not to be taken literally – that the person wakes from the “Cosmic Dream” in the same way that a human wakes from a night dream. It simply implies that the person realizes that he/she is one of the multitude of dream CHARACTERS and that individual free-will was purely an illusion. During such awakenings, one experiences the non-conceptual state, which is somewhat akin to the state of equanimous mind or “steady-mind” (“samādhi”, in Sanskrit). However, samādhi is usually a far longer-term state of being.

      This is a relatively common phenomenon. In fact, there are most probably MILLIONS of persons currently on earth who have experienced some kind of awakening, where they directly perceive themselves to be more than a mere body-mind complex. The experience can be either totally spontaneous, or it can follow many decades of intense spiritual practice. However, there is no direct causal link between religious practices and awakening experiences, despite what most religionists believe.

      It is common for newly-awakened persons to CONFUSE and conflate relative and absolute truth. That is to say, when a neophyte buddha is speaking of relative concepts, they invariably use absolute terms.
      For instance, they may make such statements as: “You don’t exist”; “Nothing ever happened”; “There is no right or wrong”; “Everything and/or everyone is equal”; “I am not my body”; “We are One”; and “I am you, and you are me”. Hopefully, such persons will come to see that there is no need to speak about everything from the Absolute perspective. Verily, it is unbeneficial to the persons with whom they are conversing (unless, of course, those third persons are thoroughly deluded materialists, who are unable to see beyond the physical realm).

      Unfortunately (for spiritual-seekers), there is a multitude of awakened or partially-awakened persons who mistakenly believe that they are somehow enlightened masters, and proceed to embark on a teaching career. The fact is, many (if not most) of these BOGUS “gurus” are afflicted with a narcissistic, demonic mentality, and ought to be exposed and denounced for the fraudsters that they are.

      Awakening to one’s true nature does NOT automatically promote one to being a saint, since one’s unique characteristics, flaws and obsessions may endure. There is an abundance of evidence that awakening experiences can be induced simply by the administration of certain hallucinogenic drugs, so to claim that one is exceptionally remarkable just for being a buddha, is rather conceited.

      “Liberation” means “freedom”. Thus, a liberated soul is a person who has become emancipated from the five kinds of suffering (blame, shame, pride, regrets/expectations, and anxiety), all of which are based on the belief in personal AGENCY. Read Chapter 15 to understand the nature of suffering and Chapter 11 to understand that humans are not independent agents with freedom of will.

      Awakening experiences are not a prerequisite to being liberated from suffering.
      LIKEWISE, not all liberated persons are automatically enlightened (at least not to the degree necessary in order to be labelled as such), but there is a strong correlation between the two states of being.

      A liberated person is scarce, because very few understand the true nature of suffering, and of those who do understand the distinction between psycho-physical pain and ACTUAL psychological suffering, it is difficult to surrender to one’s circumstances, free of obsessive thinking and judging.

      Of those who have experienced a state of “oneness” and are free from mental suffering, there are EXTREMELY rare souls who are spiritually-enlightened (at least to such an extent to be worthy of the term). If the term were to be taken literally, a person may be permeated or imbued in light (or “see the light”) to varying degrees, just as the ocean is more illumined by direct sunlight than it is by moonlight.

      Every person who has ever lived can be RANKED according to their level of enlightenment. Even if one understands that there is more to existence than gross matter and localized consciousness, one could claim to be more enlightened than a gross materialist. Therefore, somewhere in the world resides a person who is the most ignorant fool on earth, and at a different location one may find the most enlightened sage extant. Like practically everything in life, enlightenment is relative. Even “full” enlightenment is not an absolute state.

      If one were to approach a rocket scientist, one would expect him to fully understand his field of expertise. He would understand advanced physics and chemistry, and know precisely how to design and launch spacecraft into outer-space.
      Similarly, an enlightened sage is one who understands LIFE. He knows how this phenomenal world came to be, how the law of action and reaction actually works, how to become liberated from temporal sufferings, and should be able to logically answer any question posed to him by a spiritual seeker (what to speak of highly-intelligent members of the scientific and philosophical communities).

      An enlightened person has eschewed all belief systems and relies solely on objective, VERIFIABLE concepts, knowing that even the most accurate concepts are relative, and that the ultimate reality is Absolute.

      A fully-enlightened person is almost invariably a member of the Holy Priesthood (a prophet, to be more precise), and NECESSARILY possesses a genius or near-genius level of intelligence. “Necessarily”, because, as previously stated, he is required to competently respond to even the most difficult questions and conundrums posed to him by others (otherwise, he can hardly claimed to be a fully-enlightened individual). On the other hand, even the village idiot can receive awakening experiences. However, to be liberated from suffering, one normally requires at least an average level of intelligence.

      Needless to say, an enlightened person adheres to a strict code of morals and ethics such as avoidance of pornography, illicit sexual activity, gambling, intoxicants, and animal products.
      To be fair, there are many examples of persons who seem to be very awakened and/or enlightened, yet engage in base pursuits such as those mentioned above, due to their genetic make-up and conditioning. However, this category is devoted to highly-evolved beings who LITERALLY radiate holiness – those who even the vilest of souls can recognize to be elevated far above ordinary, animalistic humanity.

      Those enlightened individuals, who actively support objectively-evil ideologies/practices, such as socialism, communism, democracy, feminism, homosexuality, and carnism, are of no practical benefit to society (quite the OPPOSITE, in fact).

      Out of a billion persons, there may be one or two enlightened masters. These self-realized world-teachers are almost TOTALLY shunned by society, for, as Lord Jesus once proclaimed: “I am the enemy of the world because I am telling the world that it is evil”.

      “You have to let it happen, just like you have to let yourself go to sleep – you can’t try to go to sleep. You have to let yourself digest your food – you can’t try to digest it.
      And so, in the same way, you have to let yourself wake-up (become liberated).”
      “A flow of water suddenly does a whirlpool and then it goes on. The whirlpool is a definite form but no water stays put in it.
      The whirlpool is something the stream is doing, and in exactly the same way, the universe is doing each one of us.”
      Professor Alan W. Watts,
      British–American Philosopher.

      “Awakening cannot take place, so long as the idea persists, that one is a seeker.
      Doing sadhana (spiritual practices) means, assuming the existence of a phantom.
      The entity that you think you are, is false.
      You ARE the Reality!”
      “When Realization dawns, then what happens? You are no longer ‘you’. You remain established in the inner silence and freedom, without any concern for your welfare, content with whatever comes along – and life goes on in perfect effortlessness.”
      ”Only when it is time, in the cosmic scheme of evolution, for a particular psychosomatic apparatus to get enlightened, can enlightenment happen.
      And if that time has come, nothing in this world can prevent it from happening.
      Nor can anything in this world, make enlightenment happen, if it is not time.”
      “Enlightenment is total emptiness of mind. There is nothing you can do to get it. Any effort you make, can only be an obstruction to it.”
      “If you but cease from useless conceptualizing, you will be what you are and what you have always been.”
      Ramesh Balsekar,
      Indian Spiritual Teacher.

  3. Ivan Emmet

    Is that ‘why’ Buddha got enlightened, or is it ‘how’ he got enlightened?

    1. Reverend Eslam

      Ivan Emmet
      Good point!


      Any person who has experienced a state of cosmic awareness can rightly be called a “buddha” (a Sanskrit/Pali term for “an awakened being”). During such TEMPORAL experiences (that is, they begin at some point in time and then end at a subsequent point in time, even if at the time of death), there is usually a dissolution of the subject-object dichotomy, or at least a radical shift in one’s perception of life. In the most profound awakening experience, the perceiver, the perceived, and the perceiving, unify.

      Awakening means to see clearly that one’s persona is but a character in a dream of The Absolute, and that one is essentially that Flawless Awareness. Therefore, it is not to be taken literally – that the person wakes from the “Cosmic Dream” in the same way that a human wakes from a night dream. It simply implies that the person realizes that he/she is one of the multitude of dream CHARACTERS and that individual free-will was purely an illusion. During such awakenings, one experiences the non-conceptual state, which is somewhat akin to the state of equanimous mind or “steady-mind” (“samādhi”, in Sanskrit). However, samādhi is usually a far longer-term state of being.

      This is a relatively common phenomenon. In fact, there are most probably MILLIONS of persons currently on earth who have experienced some kind of awakening, where they directly perceive themselves to be more than a mere body-mind complex. The experience can be either totally spontaneous, or it can follow many decades of intense spiritual practice. However, there is no direct causal link between religious practices and awakening experiences, despite what most religionists believe.

      It is common for newly-awakened persons to CONFUSE and conflate relative and absolute truth. That is to say, when a neophyte buddha is speaking of relative concepts, they invariably use absolute terms.
      For instance, they may make such statements as: “You don’t exist”; “Nothing ever happened”; “There is no right or wrong”; “Everything and/or everyone is equal”; “I am not my body”; “We are One”; and “I am you, and you are me”. Hopefully, such persons will come to see that there is no need to speak about everything from the Absolute perspective. Verily, it is unbeneficial to the persons with whom they are conversing (unless, of course, those third persons are thoroughly deluded materialists, who are unable to see beyond the physical realm).

      Unfortunately (for spiritual-seekers), there is a multitude of awakened or partially-awakened persons who mistakenly believe that they are somehow enlightened masters, and proceed to embark on a teaching career. The fact is, many (if not most) of these BOGUS “gurus” are afflicted with a narcissistic, demonic mentality, and ought to be exposed and denounced for the fraudsters that they are.

      Awakening to one’s true nature does NOT automatically promote one to being a saint, since one’s unique characteristics, flaws and obsessions may endure. There is an abundance of evidence that awakening experiences can be induced simply by the administration of certain hallucinogenic drugs, so to claim that one is exceptionally remarkable just for being a buddha, is rather conceited.

      “Liberation” means “freedom”. Thus, a liberated soul is a person who has become emancipated from the five kinds of suffering (blame, shame, pride, regrets/expectations, and anxiety), all of which are based on the belief in personal AGENCY. Read Chapter 15 to understand the nature of suffering and Chapter 11 to understand that humans are not independent agents with freedom of will.

      Awakening experiences are not a prerequisite to being liberated from suffering.
      LIKEWISE, not all liberated persons are automatically enlightened (at least not to the degree necessary in order to be labelled as such), but there is a strong correlation between the two states of being.

      A liberated person is scarce, because very few understand the true nature of suffering, and of those who do understand the distinction between psycho-physical pain and ACTUAL psychological suffering, it is difficult to surrender to one’s circumstances, free of obsessive thinking and judging.

      Of those who have experienced a state of “oneness” and are free from mental suffering, there are EXTREMELY rare souls who are spiritually-enlightened (at least to such an extent to be worthy of the term). If the term were to be taken literally, a person may be permeated or imbued in light (or “see the light”) to varying degrees, just as the ocean is more illumined by direct sunlight than it is by moonlight.

      Every person who has ever lived can be RANKED according to their level of enlightenment. Even if one understands that there is more to existence than gross matter and localized consciousness, one could claim to be more enlightened than a gross materialist. Therefore, somewhere in the world resides a person who is the most ignorant fool on earth, and at a different location one may find the most enlightened sage extant. Like practically everything in life, enlightenment is relative. Even “full” enlightenment is not an absolute state.

      If one were to approach a rocket scientist, one would expect him to fully understand his field of expertise. He would understand advanced physics and chemistry, and know precisely how to design and launch spacecraft into outer-space.
      Similarly, an enlightened sage is one who understands LIFE. He knows how this phenomenal world came to be, how the law of action and reaction actually works, how to become liberated from temporal sufferings, and should be able to logically answer any question posed to him by a spiritual seeker (what to speak of highly-intelligent members of the scientific and philosophical communities).

      An enlightened person has eschewed all belief systems and relies solely on objective, VERIFIABLE concepts, knowing that even the most accurate concepts are relative, and that the ultimate reality is Absolute.

      A fully-enlightened person is almost invariably a member of the Holy Priesthood (a prophet, to be more precise), and NECESSARILY possesses a genius or near-genius level of intelligence. “Necessarily”, because, as previously stated, he is required to competently respond to even the most difficult questions and conundrums posed to him by others (otherwise, he can hardly claimed to be a fully-enlightened individual). On the other hand, even the village idiot can receive awakening experiences. However, to be liberated from suffering, one normally requires at least an average level of intelligence.

      Needless to say, an enlightened person adheres to a strict code of morals and ethics such as avoidance of pornography, illicit sexual activity, gambling, intoxicants, and animal products.
      To be fair, there are many examples of persons who seem to be very awakened and/or enlightened, yet engage in base pursuits such as those mentioned above, due to their genetic make-up and conditioning. However, this category is devoted to highly-evolved beings who LITERALLY radiate holiness – those who even the vilest of souls can recognize to be elevated far above ordinary, animalistic humanity.

      Those enlightened individuals, who actively support objectively-evil ideologies/practices, such as socialism, communism, democracy, feminism, homosexuality, and carnism, are of no practical benefit to society (quite the OPPOSITE, in fact).

      Out of a billion persons, there may be one or two enlightened masters. These self-realized world-teachers are almost TOTALLY shunned by society, for, as Lord Jesus once proclaimed: “I am the enemy of the world because I am telling the world that it is evil”.

      “You have to let it happen, just like you have to let yourself go to sleep – you can’t try to go to sleep. You have to let yourself digest your food – you can’t try to digest it.
      And so, in the same way, you have to let yourself wake-up (become liberated).”
      “A flow of water suddenly does a whirlpool and then it goes on. The whirlpool is a definite form but no water stays put in it.
      The whirlpool is something the stream is doing, and in exactly the same way, the universe is doing each one of us.”
      Professor Alan W. Watts,
      British–American Philosopher.

      “Awakening cannot take place, so long as the idea persists, that one is a seeker.
      Doing sadhana (spiritual practices) means, assuming the existence of a phantom.
      The entity that you think you are, is false.
      You ARE the Reality!”
      “When Realization dawns, then what happens? You are no longer ‘you’. You remain established in the inner silence and freedom, without any concern for your welfare, content with whatever comes along – and life goes on in perfect effortlessness.”
      ”Only when it is time, in the cosmic scheme of evolution, for a particular psychosomatic apparatus to get enlightened, can enlightenment happen.
      And if that time has come, nothing in this world can prevent it from happening.
      Nor can anything in this world, make enlightenment happen, if it is not time.”
      “Enlightenment is total emptiness of mind. There is nothing you can do to get it. Any effort you make, can only be an obstruction to it.”
      “If you but cease from useless conceptualizing, you will be what you are and what you have always been.”
      Ramesh Balsekar,
      Indian Spiritual Teacher.

    2. Theo M.

      if you think about it, while not all how’s are why’s…many why’s are how’s 🙂

      for example, a decent answer to ‘why is the sky blue?’ involves a description of how light works

  4. Reverend Eslam


    Any person who has experienced a state of cosmic awareness can rightly be called a “buddha” (a Sanskrit/Pali term for “an awakened being”). During such TEMPORAL experiences (that is, they begin at some point in time and then end at a subsequent point in time, even if at the time of death), there is usually a dissolution of the subject-object dichotomy, or at least a radical shift in one’s perception of life. In the most profound awakening experience, the perceiver, the perceived, and the perceiving, unify.

    Awakening means to see clearly that one’s persona is but a character in a dream of The Absolute, and that one is essentially that Flawless Awareness. Therefore, it is not to be taken literally – that the person wakes from the “Cosmic Dream” in the same way that a human wakes from a night dream. It simply implies that the person realizes that he/she is one of the multitude of dream CHARACTERS and that individual free-will was purely an illusion. During such awakenings, one experiences the non-conceptual state, which is somewhat akin to the state of equanimous mind or “steady-mind” (“samādhi”, in Sanskrit). However, samādhi is usually a far longer-term state of being.

    This is a relatively common phenomenon. In fact, there are most probably MILLIONS of persons currently on earth who have experienced some kind of awakening, where they directly perceive themselves to be more than a mere body-mind complex. The experience can be either totally spontaneous, or it can follow many decades of intense spiritual practice. However, there is no direct causal link between religious practices and awakening experiences, despite what most religionists believe.

    It is common for newly-awakened persons to CONFUSE and conflate relative and absolute truth. That is to say, when a neophyte buddha is speaking of relative concepts, they invariably use absolute terms.
    For instance, they may make such statements as: “You don’t exist”; “Nothing ever happened”; “There is no right or wrong”; “Everything and/or everyone is equal”; “I am not my body”; “We are One”; and “I am you, and you are me”. Hopefully, such persons will come to see that there is no need to speak about everything from the Absolute perspective. Verily, it is unbeneficial to the persons with whom they are conversing (unless, of course, those third persons are thoroughly deluded materialists, who are unable to see beyond the physical realm).

    Unfortunately (for spiritual-seekers), there is a multitude of awakened or partially-awakened persons who mistakenly believe that they are somehow enlightened masters, and proceed to embark on a teaching career. The fact is, many (if not most) of these BOGUS “gurus” are afflicted with a narcissistic, demonic mentality, and ought to be exposed and denounced for the fraudsters that they are.

    Awakening to one’s true nature does NOT automatically promote one to being a saint, since one’s unique characteristics, flaws and obsessions may endure. There is an abundance of evidence that awakening experiences can be induced simply by the administration of certain hallucinogenic drugs, so to claim that one is exceptionally remarkable just for being a buddha, is rather conceited.

    “Liberation” means “freedom”. Thus, a liberated soul is a person who has become emancipated from the five kinds of suffering (blame, shame, pride, regrets/expectations, and anxiety), all of which are based on the belief in personal AGENCY. Read Chapter 15 to understand the nature of suffering and Chapter 11 to understand that humans are not independent agents with freedom of will.

    Awakening experiences are not a prerequisite to being liberated from suffering.
    LIKEWISE, not all liberated persons are automatically enlightened (at least not to the degree necessary in order to be labelled as such), but there is a strong correlation between the two states of being.

    A liberated person is scarce, because very few understand the true nature of suffering, and of those who do understand the distinction between psycho-physical pain and ACTUAL psychological suffering, it is difficult to surrender to one’s circumstances, free of obsessive thinking and judging.

    Of those who have experienced a state of “oneness” and are free from mental suffering, there are EXTREMELY rare souls who are spiritually-enlightened (at least to such an extent to be worthy of the term). If the term were to be taken literally, a person may be permeated or imbued in light (or “see the light”) to varying degrees, just as the ocean is more illumined by direct sunlight than it is by moonlight.

    Every person who has ever lived can be RANKED according to their level of enlightenment. Even if one understands that there is more to existence than gross matter and localized consciousness, one could claim to be more enlightened than a gross materialist. Therefore, somewhere in the world resides a person who is the most ignorant fool on earth, and at a different location one may find the most enlightened sage extant. Like practically everything in life, enlightenment is relative. Even “full” enlightenment is not an absolute state.

    If one were to approach a rocket scientist, one would expect him to fully understand his field of expertise. He would understand advanced physics and chemistry, and know precisely how to design and launch spacecraft into outer-space.
    Similarly, an enlightened sage is one who understands LIFE. He knows how this phenomenal world came to be, how the law of action and reaction actually works, how to become liberated from temporal sufferings, and should be able to logically answer any question posed to him by a spiritual seeker (what to speak of highly-intelligent members of the scientific and philosophical communities).

    An enlightened person has eschewed all belief systems and relies solely on objective, VERIFIABLE concepts, knowing that even the most accurate concepts are relative, and that the ultimate reality is Absolute.

    A fully-enlightened person is almost invariably a member of the Holy Priesthood (a prophet, to be more precise), and NECESSARILY possesses a genius or near-genius level of intelligence. “Necessarily”, because, as previously stated, he is required to competently respond to even the most difficult questions and conundrums posed to him by others (otherwise, he can hardly claimed to be a fully-enlightened individual). On the other hand, even the village idiot can receive awakening experiences. However, to be liberated from suffering, one normally requires at least an average level of intelligence.

    Needless to say, an enlightened person adheres to a strict code of morals and ethics such as avoidance of pornography, illicit sexual activity, gambling, intoxicants, and animal products.
    To be fair, there are many examples of persons who seem to be very awakened and/or enlightened, yet engage in base pursuits such as those mentioned above, due to their genetic make-up and conditioning. However, this category is devoted to highly-evolved beings who LITERALLY radiate holiness – those who even the vilest of souls can recognize to be elevated far above ordinary, animalistic humanity.

    Those enlightened individuals, who actively support objectively-evil ideologies/practices, such as socialism, communism, democracy, feminism, homosexuality, and carnism, are of no practical benefit to society (quite the OPPOSITE, in fact).

    Out of a billion persons, there may be one or two enlightened masters. These self-realized world-teachers are almost TOTALLY shunned by society, for, as Lord Jesus once proclaimed: “I am the enemy of the world because I am telling the world that it is evil”.

    “You have to let it happen, just like you have to let yourself go to sleep – you can’t try to go to sleep. You have to let yourself digest your food – you can’t try to digest it.
    And so, in the same way, you have to let yourself wake-up (become liberated).”
    “A flow of water suddenly does a whirlpool and then it goes on. The whirlpool is a definite form but no water stays put in it.
    The whirlpool is something the stream is doing, and in exactly the same way, the universe is doing each one of us.”
    Professor Alan W. Watts,
    British–American Philosopher.

    “Awakening cannot take place, so long as the idea persists, that one is a seeker.
    Doing sadhana (spiritual practices) means, assuming the existence of a phantom.
    The entity that you think you are, is false.
    You ARE the Reality!”
    “When Realization dawns, then what happens? You are no longer ‘you’. You remain established in the inner silence and freedom, without any concern for your welfare, content with whatever comes along – and life goes on in perfect effortlessness.”
    ”Only when it is time, in the cosmic scheme of evolution, for a particular psychosomatic apparatus to get enlightened, can enlightenment happen.
    And if that time has come, nothing in this world can prevent it from happening.
    Nor can anything in this world, make enlightenment happen, if it is not time.”
    “Enlightenment is total emptiness of mind. There is nothing you can do to get it. Any effort you make, can only be an obstruction to it.”
    “If you but cease from useless conceptualizing, you will be what you are and what you have always been.”
    Ramesh Balsekar,
    Indian Spiritual Teacher.

    1. C. M.

      Could you explain more about the statements you listed such as “I am not my body,” “there is no right and wrong,” etc.? How are these statements relative and not absolute truth? And how would you phrase them to correctly express them as relative truth?

    2. Reverend Eslam

      C. M.
      ? 03. CONCEPTS Vs THE TRUTH:

      The term “TRUTH” is a grossly misused word.
      Anything which has ever been spoken, by even the greatest sage or Avatar (incarnation of Divinity), is merely a concept and not “The Truth”.
      A concept is either accurate or inaccurate. Virtually all concepts are inaccurate to a degree. However, some concepts are far more accurate than others.

      It is VITALLY important to distinguish between relative truth and Absolute Truth. Relative truth is temporal, subjective, dependent, immanent, and conditioned, whilst Absolute Truth is eternal, objective, independent, transcendent, and unconditional.

      Good and bad are RELATIVE – what may be good or bad can vary according to temporal circumstances and according to personal preferences. However, beyond the dichotomy of good and bad, is the Eternal Truth, which transcends mundane relativism. Therefore, the goal of life is to rise above the subjective “good” and “bad”, and exist in the transcendental sphere. A qualified spiritual preceptor is able to guide one in the intricacies of such transcendence.

      The ONLY truth in the phenomenal manifestation is the impersonal sense of “I am” (“ahaṃ”, in Sanskrit).
      Everything else is merely temporary and unreal (“unreal” for that very reason – because it is ever-mutating, lacking permanence and stability).

      If it is true that there are none so blind as those who don’t WANT to see, and none so deaf as those who don’t WANT to hear, then surely, there are none so ignorant as those who don’t WANT to learn the truth.

      OBVIOUSLY, in the previous paragraph, and in most other references to the word “truth” within this booklet, it is meant “the most accurate concept possible”, or at least ”an extremely accurate fact”.
      For example, as clearly demonstrated in Chapters 21 and 22, it is undoubtedly “true” that a divinely-instituted monarchy is the most beneficial form of national governance, but that is not the Absolute Truth, which is the impersonal, never-changing ground of all being.

      So, to put it succinctly, all “truths” are relative concepts (even if they are very accurate) but the Universal Self alone is REAL Truth.

      “In the absence of both the belief ‘I am the body’ and in the absence of the belief that ‘I am not the body’, what is left is what we really are.
      We don’t need to define what we really are. We don’t need to create a thought to tell us what we are. What we are is what TRUTH is.”
      “God not something ‘out-there’, ‘looking-in’, but God (or Source) has BECOME all of This.
      So God is the Underlying Principle of all of this – the Energy or the Consciousness.
      The (psycho-physical) manifestation has arisen within Consciousness as an imagination in the mind of Source.”
      Roger Castillo,
      Australian Spiritual Teacher, 15/07/2015.

      “I am the TRUTH…”
      “The TRUTH shall set you free”.
      Lord Jesus Christ,
      Divine Incarnation.

    3. m p V

      @Reverend Eslam i love finding your eloquently written, exponentially expansive and informative comments on DCs videos. Allllways such a good read and helps me feel like i get a little bit closer to full true enlightenment (if that’s even fully possible). Thanks and gratitude for sharing so much through your many comments.

      1. Shakil

        @m p V
        What is wrong with you? Reverend eslam is clearly nothing more than a delusional rightwing moron.

    4. Reverend Eslam

      m p V
      It’s VERY refreshing to read a positive response to my comments for a change.

      To read the remaining chapters of “A Final Instruction Sheet for Humanity”, which are the most accurate spiritual precepts so far in human history, Email:
      [email protected]
      with the acronym “FISH” in the subject field.
      “The gateway to knowing is IGNORANCE”. ?

      1. Shakil

        You are a fool and should be ashamed of yourself.

  5. Good Grief

    Thank you so much for this beautiful soul….. in Christianity this is similar to “being in this world but not of it”
    My heart is so full of love, there is no separation…. the love light is the same for all of us…. I just want to hold hands with the whole world…. I am the whole world…. much love, much gratitude…. I found myself I think I feel I know xxxxxxx

  6. Vikas Kumar

    Dear sir, i read your book and commentry, it really fascinate me .

  7. m p V

    This reminds me of a thought/theory i came up with last week: Allll roots lead to the same thing/place

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