Archangel Michael Signs

You are currently viewing Archangel Michael Signs

Is what you’re experiencing actually a sign Archangel Michael is with you? Find out now…

Archangel Michael is an incredibly powerful archangel of Protection, Divine Will, and he is a leader among angels. He’s also an Archangel who works directly with humanity and offers his wisdom, protection, guidance, and loving blessings to all who call upon him.

So how do you know if Archangel Michael is really with you, protecting you and assisting you from the realms of angels?

In this video, I share the top five Archangel Michael Signs…

With love, light, and blessings,


This Post Has 78 Comments

  1. Pc. Mahon

    Saint Michael the Archangel,
    defend us in battle.
    Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
    and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
    by the Divine Power of God,
    cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits
    who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

    1. Brandon Young

      Angels wouldn’t be without TMH. Call on him true his Son(Jesus, Yeshuah). Through him alone are the doors open to an abundant life.

    2. E


    3. Alona Mendoza

      @Fred Mutua – Thanks for the reply, Fred. God bless you.

    4. Alona Mendoza

      @Brandon Young – When you say TMH do you mean The Most High?

    5. jesus loves uu

      @Fred Mutua it is not a sin to pray to angels, it is to worship them and to pray to other gods.
      also angels can bless people in some religions, there is also ” new religion ” which is religion of angels being god, don’t disrespect them, ” respect thy neighbors! “

  2. Megan Mc

    I have always felt so connected to Saint Michael. When I call on him, I feel strong tingling on the top of my head & in my right ear. Every SINGLE time! So powerful!😇❤

    1. Mrs. Smith

      @joaquin umpierrez No, you are not not God, youre an ignorant little twat.

    2. samuel tillery

      Be careful calling on Angel’s for help. Angels are servants of God. Pray to God if he sends Angel’s it’s up to him not us. You calling on Angel’s can make demons show up.


      @joaquin umpierrez when you meet jesus son of god tell him that . You going straight to hell repent please

  3. FB

    Revelation 22 8 I, John, saw and heard all these things, and fell down to worship the angel who showed them to me; 9 but again he said, “No, don’t do anything like that. I, too, am a servant of Jesus as you are, and as your brothers the prophets are, as well as all those who heed the truth stated in this book. Worship God alone.”

    You are not to pray to nor worship angels but to Jesus Christ.

    John 14:6
    Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    1 Timothy 2:5
    For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

    1. Alona Mendoza

      @Gianni Zanetti – Jesus was Not just “human.”

    2. Alona Mendoza

      @MegaMantim – Sorry, but in fact you have it backwards when you say that protestants “stripped the Faith to written only.” There are some Evangelicals who might fit that description, but, In fact, although there are some true followers of Jesus within many Christian denominations, including Catholic & Non-Catholic Christians, I’m convinced that less people receive the actual, active Holy Spirit within the Catholic church than within the Protestant Christian world. Why? Because a personal Relationship w/ Jesus matters more than Religion, legalism, & formalism, & a human hierarchy. More than 1 person raised Catholic has told me independently from each other that the way they were taught was almost like they’re not Supposed to Read the Bible – and that it took them Years to understand that Jesus wants a Personal Relationship w/ each one of us. I belong to Jesus, & the Holy Spirit is Active with me – and I’m not Catholic. You speak as if the Catholic Church is God. To me that’s almost like blasphemy. Only God is God. If you treat the Catholic church as if it can’t make a mistake & knows everything & is right about everything, then that’s putting them on the same level as God & that’s idolatry. Peace to you, & here’s someone’s testimony of something amazing – of dying, meeting Jesus who taught her things, & then her coming back to life in the morgue:

    3. isa !

      FB What are you wearing

    4. President Joseph Njuguna Mutinda

      @Logan Spence YOU!

    5. Amy r

      @Gianni Zanetti Let us not forget, that The Bible was written in Aramaic, the language of that time, and translated into many other languages. Not all is most likely translated to the exact meaning and context.

  4. TY William

    A sign of Saint Michael is presents when you see or feel him:
    1. Feathers
    2. Police or cop cars
    3. Wings symbols
    4. Birds
    5. Sense of calmness

    1. favor priceless

      @karimu abena where do you see the wings?

    2. karimu abena

      @favor priceless ok if he does a job for me a distinct looking bird will appear with wings SPREAD WIDE OPEN and then one time I was in court and he got me an extension (some one from the other party had to go) and when we came back to court that person had his hands in his pocket and arms out like wings to let me know he responded to my call.

    3. favor priceless

      @karimu abena yhow wow I’m learning something new

    4. Cindy Blount

      lol gotta love the cop cars!!!! Erm….as long as they don’t pull you over ha ha

    5. Kalyani I pillai

      I always used to see white little wings

  5. Nadia Subri

    I remember as once I was in a bus traveling, and I feared being stalked by a passenger who followed me to the bus, I wished that If any angel there is watching upon me to give me a sign ( I said that in my mind of course), suddenly I see this strong red light flashing from the horizon, and the clock inside the bus was exactly 11:11 😂

    1. B1lly Butter

      @Tavoi Aiono I agree but you could have been kind about it, jesus does exist he is a spirit, a divine being you can contact. There are multiple gods. And satan or seth is real. And there are demons 🙂

    2. Tavoi Aiono

      @B1lly Butter do you see how you have made yourself believe in the power those beings have, jesus, satan, seth etc…….but you neglect yourself. The best proof you have is you and you walk around with it everyday, instead you put your faith and belief in the things the Vatican and religions tell you without any proof. Yet you walk around in solid proof of your power everyday but you ignore it. Well so let it be…..if you believe in all that other bullshit, well ok. I tell you once you let go and find the power within you, THEY will no longer have control of you, YOU WILL BE THE CREATOR OF YOU and YOUR WORLD

    3. B1lly Butter

      @Tavoi Aiono religion is a lie, its bullshit.

    4. Rose Treiger

      I see 11:11 so much that I started saying Alleluia out loud whenever I see it because it reminds me of the holy trinity and that’s weird because there is 4 1’s not three. But that’s how it is in my head.

  6. Kathryn Arney

    As a massage therapist I always ask for his protection in life and work. Love big Mike ✝️🙏🏼

    1. Michael Edwards

      if you are a foot massage therapist then yes you are protected

    2. shalome toney

      I am a massage therapist yes

  7. J B

    Don’t forget Jesus. We have direct access to God through Jesus. The Angels are servants of The Lord for us His people .

    1. Berta Ochoa

      She’s giving knowledge about an Archangel Michael. It seems very well speculated that she knows who Jesus is. The title says it all….helllo 🙄

    2. Tavoi Aiono

      @Ashley Strickland Yes I agree with you Ashley, people believe in god become depressed and lost and spread that energy around is not good. My apologies for the way I come across. Love and light xxx

    3. Tmb Brand

      Be kind to one another. ❤️

    4. Ristie nina

      Tavoi Aiono you got a mouthful of harsh words but hey truth hurts haha. I can’t deal with people who thinks as “followers of christ, followers of god the almighty” then you shouldn’t be cussing and all about love and light. People like that are fake af and fooling themselves by suppressing negative emotions. God is both creation and destruction and positive and negative which people are. Don’t apologize for being your authentic self over people living in ignorance thinking they got everything by believing in an edited book.

    5. maria bullock

      @G M if you really are God create me a sun or a moon or even easier just a little star

  8. A Cortez

    I had a dream I will never forget. Powerful dream. In this dream, God had commanded Archangel Micheal and Archangel Raphael to come to me. They were huge, tall, giant, muscular. They both introduced themselves to me and Micheal was business and authority while Raphael was gentle and calm demeanor. They both whispered in my ear to offer me an assignment and I gladly and willingly accepted. They both took a different arm of mine and flew me away down a dirt sunny road. The atmosphere was orange as when the sun is going down or rising it was orange and yellow/very warm colors. Us three were alone. I don’t know what mission they gave me all I know is that I willingly accepted and they carried me by flying with me. Archangel Raphael held my left arm while Archangel Micheal held my right arm. I woke up feeling honored, fulfilled, powerful, and special. They flew me away to take me to start my assignment /mission. I wish I knew in waking life what they asked me to do.

    Micheal was authority and I remember his tone of voice it was like he was there to get to the point and handle Gods command. Raphael provides such ease. Raphael’s voice was gentle and he shook my hand and introduced himself as well. I thought he was Archangel Gabriel but he said he was Archangel Raphael 🙏🏼❤️😇🦋⭐️🍀

    1. Pretty Boss lady

      Your description of both Gabriel and Raphael is indeed correct Gabriel is the stern one he does get tot the point where Raphael is more gentler.

    2. paul Dinardo

      A Cortez wow. They are very big that’s absolutely true. Very very strong

    3. isa !

      A Cortez Is it 72 degrees in your room

  9. milspire

    I love all of Archangel Michael’s messages… he is awesome!

  10. Adrienne

    I actually thought that background was fake until I saw the branches moving! What a beautiful area you live in!

  11. Rodrigo Torres

    “I am the way the truth and the life” Jesus is the only way towards GOD

    1. Vegas Eddie

      Breanna Baker So you are directly contradicting the words of Jesus?

    2. Breanna Baker

      Vegas Eddie i guess so aha

    3. obito uchia

      Another bible thumper. Who do you think sent the angels. You mo-ron. Must be a mormon

    4. Panzer Sushi

      Think of Michael as brother, a friend. Save your reverence for the Lord.

    5. maria bullock

      @Luis E. hell was created for lucifer the fallen angel and his demons, not for you if you receive our lord Jesus as your savior and his precoius blood for forgivness of your sins you will always be with him in heaven

  12. Grave D

    Prayer to invoke Archangel Michael.

    Directly connected to the Divine, and to All That Is, I now call upon Archangel Michael.

    Archangel Michael, please come in and connect with me now. I ask that you protect me, uplift me and inspire me to live in alignment with my highest and greatest good.

    Surround me with your wings of love and stand before me blessing my energy with your angelic qualities of strength, courage, and truth.

    Please clear my energy and vibration, completely releasing any and all negative energy, limiting beliefs, fears, illusions, and negative energetic imprints present in my energy and physical being.

    Please release anything that is blocking me from fully and completely experiencing the love and light present in every moment.

    Release all that no longer serves me into the light of the Divine, and fill the void with unconditional love, light, and compassion.

    Archangel Michael, I ask that you use your sword of light to cut away any and all doubt, fear, guilt, or negativity that are around me.

    Cut any and all cords draining my energy and vitality across the lines of time, and assist me now in reintegrating into my being any of my light and personal power that have been drained.

    Please guide me on my path and help me to accomplish my authentic purpose, according to Divine will, for the highest and greatest good.

    And so it is
    Thank you.

    1. Magdalena Jarczewska

      What a beautiful prayer I love it Thank u. Namaste

    2. Elly

      Amen 🙏🏾

    3. Alona Mendoza

      Archangel Michael works for Jesus. Your prayer doesn’t mention Jesus. Pray to Jesus to send his angels or an angel. (He knows best who to send and if and when, etc.)

    4. Angela Dallimore


  13. Reverent Consciousness


    * Help Me
    * Protect Me
    * Guide Me
    * Assist Me

    1. Debbie Riskus

      St Michael plz protect me

  14. Wendy Irvine

    Are we not told in the Holy Bible not to pray to angels? I do believe Archangel Michael is a “senior” powerful heavenly host. His powers are directly from the Holy Father God and Lord Jesus our Saviour. Sometimes people can get confused. I would pray “Holy Father, Lord Jesus please send Archangel Mchael
    …….”. We aught never to take our focus off Holy Spirit and venerate Heavenly Hosts.

    1. rocky mountain lass

      @joaquin umpierrez yeppers a demon for sure

    2. jesus loves uu

      there’s a big difference between praying and worshipping ” holy archangel michael please help me and protect me in your holy name, amen ” is worshipping, but ” archangel michael may you please protect me? thank you michael! ” is praying. although you can talk to archangels in your head, sometimes praying helps us concentrate. although archangel are NOT in anyway on the holy fathers level.

    3. Vladimir Livrinski

      In my orthodox prayer theres a special prayer directly to St.Archangel.Michael so i guess u are very very wrong

    4. jesus loves uu

      @Vladimir Livrinski it says not to worship angels, so it depends what u see praying as.

    5. Vladimir Livrinski

      @jesus loves uu u said not to pray u didnt say not to worship , i agree about the worshiping though 😁

  15. Red Eagle

    When I was homeless I kept seeing his name everywhere when I read that was how he would let himself be known and that I would see the color blue. Later before the winter he left me a blue sky jacket that let me survive in the strongest and coldest winds. It is still my shield.

    1. obito uchia

      @Tom Peters your mama must not have gave you hugs.

    2. Tom Peters

      @obito uchia imgonna rot in hell? U are allready in hell… mama never gave me hugs? Your mama gave everybody hugs

    3. Tom Peters

      @obito uchia i may be a pariah but im not stupid and im a man who dont believe in fairy tales or arc angels

  16. IcePrincess Conn

    I have an overwhelming need to call on Archangel Michael lately.


      Its a demon

  17. Arthur Zettel

    The Archangel Michael is a servent to the Son, the Father and Holy Spirit..

  18. Justin Wines

    I call on jesus and the power of his blood..

  19. Angela Dallimore

    Archangel Michael is my buddy he never lets me down he is always by my side.

    1. Vacation Day's Mikey Momo

      @kristie watts im here, your both with me

    2. Moonsun Wellness

      Angela Dallimore ♾✨

    3. West Bebo

      I’m here as well , we are all together ! We are OK everybody relax

    4. West Bebo

      Moonsun Wellness ✨✨

    5. And I Oop-

      @kristie watts I am an occult and witchcraft practitioner whom works with Christianity and archangel Michael however the Bible isn’t a main things cuz if you’d know your religions more than I do I guess you’d know how archangel Michael really works and to know that their are more scriptures than just the Bible that aren’t their ((: don’t tell people what is right or wrong if you don’t even know your religion that well 🥰

  20. Irene Estrella

    I thought Archangel Michael was in the service of God only.

    1. Ed Orton

      He is, he only responds to the orders of God. He can’t answer prayers!

    2. Adeola

      Ed Orton exactly. Actually no angle can answer oh prayer, but for some sad reason some Christians worship angels. The truth is we are actually a higher creation than angels because we as humans have the word of God. Peace be unto you.

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