Interview with Walter Cruttenden — The Lost Cycle of Time

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In this interview with ancient-origins, Walter Cruttenden, author of ‘Lost Star of Myth and Time’ and writer producer of the award winning documentary film ‘The Great Year’, explores the natural cycles of time and how they impact on the human consciousness and all life, resulting in the legendary rise and fall of the ages over great epochs of time.

Walter provides insight into the ancient legend present in many civilizations and cultures around the world, which says that the celestial cycles of the universe produce alternate Dark and Golden Ages, which Plato called The Great Year.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. matute11

    This makes perfect sense. The great pyramids are one clue! The megalithic another.

  2. Zarah

    Oh great. What if I’m up all night and sleep in during the day?

  3. bill mcdonald

    climate change

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