In the zodiac sign correspondences below, the cardinal sign represents the birth of the element. The fixed sign represents its life, while the mutable sign represents its passing over towards the ideal spirit form that is proper to it.
Fire Zodiac Sign Correspondences
The fire zodiac signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Astrological rulers of the fire zodiac signs are the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter. Each zodiac sign exhibits a different degree of the element, energy, and manifestation.
Aries- The zodiac sign of Aries exhibits a cardinal mode. Aries’s element is described as the fire of fire. Its energy is lightning, and its manifestation is swift violence of onset.
Leo- The zodiac sign of Leo exhibits a fixed mode. Leo’s element is described as air of fire. Its energy is that of the Sun, and its manifestation is a steady force of energy.
Sagittarius- The zodiac sign of Sagittarius exhibits a mutable mode. Sagittarius’s element is described as water of fire. Its energy is that of a rainbow, and its manifestation is described as a fading spiritualized reflection of the image.
Air Zodiac Sign Correspondences
The air zodiac signs are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. The Astrological rulers of the air zodiac signs are Mercury and Jupiter. Each zodiac sign exhibits a different degree of the element, an energy, and a manifestation.
Libra- The zodiac sign of Libra exhibits a cardinal mode. Libra’s element is described as fire of air. Its energy is that of the wind, and its manifestation is described as swift onset (note the idea of balance, as in trade winds).
Aquarius- The zodiac sign of Aquarius exhibits a fixed mode. Aquarius’s element is described as air of air. Its energy is that of the clouds, and its manifestation is described as steady conveyors of water.
Gemini- The zodiac sign of Gemini exhibits a mutable mode. Gemini’s element is described as water of air. Its energy is described as vibrations, and its manifestation is described as bulk, unmoved, and spiritualized to reflect mind.
Water Zodiac Sign Correspondences
The water zodiac signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The Astrological rulers of the water zodiac signs are Venus and the Moon. Each zodiac sign exhibits a different degree of the element, an energy, and a manifestation.
Cancer- The zodiac sign of Cancer exhibits a cardinal mode. Cancer’s element is described as fire of water. Its energy is described as rain and springs. Its manifestation is described as a swift passionate attack.
Scorpio- The zodiac sign of Scorpio exhibits a fixed mode. Scorpio’s element is described as air of water. Its energy is described as that of the sea. Its manifestation is described as a steady force of putrefaction.
Pisces- The zodiac sign of Pisces exhibits a mutable mode. Pisces’s element is described as water of water. Its energy is described as a pool. Its manifestation is described as stagnant, and a spiritualized reflection of images.
Earth Zodiac Sign Correspondences
The earth zodiac signs are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. The Astrological rulers of the earth zodiac signs are Venus and Saturn. Each zodiac sign exhibits a different degree of the element, an energy, and a manifestation.
Capricorn- The zodiac sign of Capricorn exhibits a cardinal mode. Capricorn’s element is described as fire on earth. Its energy is described as mountains. Its manifestation is described as violet pressure ( due to gravitation).
Taurus- The zodiac sign of Taurus exhibits a fixed mode. Taurus’s element is described as air of earth. Its energy is described as the plains. Its manifestation is described as a steady bearing of life.
Virgo- The zodiac sign of Virgo exhibits a mutable mode. Virgo’s element is described as the water of the earth. Its energy is compared to the fields. Its manifestation is described as simply quiet.