Body, mind and universe are a mirror of the conditioned Self

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From Human to #Metahuman: Body, Mind, and Universe are a mirror of the conditioned Self.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. About Creativity

    Very good, I am not the body-mind. – ´´pure conscious´´ – ´´body, mind universe = condition self´´.
    Note: For me, there is no truth, just a willingness to move forward with the body, mind and emotion experience(s). I am 100% responsible for this new experience, or not.
    All word/grammar correction I work with for FREE:

  2. Bre Z


  3. Hsitas Amrahs

    Excellent…this one minute observation is complete,full & final story of whole existence including Self & God.. similar to incidence of Budha,disciple Ananda & Pink Rose… thanks ?.. Dr. Sharma Mumbai India

  4. MayWeAllRead

    You are amazing

  5. nuredin munir

    Thank you Deepak

  6. Andres Guerra

    Watcher 777 and 69 liker… I think I got luck on my side lol

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