Meditation, Sleep, and How To Overcome An Active Mind

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When trying to meditate, it’s common that our minds are flooded with thoughts or that we fall asleep. Deepak explains how to overcome both and reminds us that these challenges are normal.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Andrew Bell

    Some good reminders in here. Deepak, as usual, looks calm, happy, and curious. He is clearly enjoying life – hate em’ or love em’…Must be doing something right! Thanks D & D

    1. Darrah Brustein

      You are very welcome! Thank you!

  2. About Creativity

    Very good, Now is forever.

  3. Hollandgem

    Thank you!

  4. Rebecca Petrini

    I am loving these videos. I’ve decided to stop in my tracks and listen when I receive a notification. Yesterday I loved learning of Deepak’s way of checking in with self to see if he is experiencing free will. Joyful energetic body, loving compassionate heart, awake reflective mind, lightness of being! Last year I was repeating this throughout my morning routine and I am grateful to have been reminded to keep those at the forefront of my mind.

    Today I was reminded of the importance of getting enough sleep, which I often fail to do. I cannot serve my highest purpose or be my best self when I am sleep deprived. (I do often fall asleep during meditation.)

    I would love to hear Deepak’s impressions on A Course in Miracles. I am currently working through the workbook, and as I highly regard Deepak’s thoughts and opinions on everything.

    I would also love to know what Deepak does for ‘fun’. (As the fun random question). Maybe ‘What is your ideal date night with your wife?’

    1. Darrah Brustein

      So glad 😉

  5. Rajesh Satapathy

    Thanks for sharing

  6. Ala Alfa

    Ignoring isnt about ignorance.

  7. Ioannis Man

    Omg botox and face lift to the extreme. Why this fixation to external appearance from a spiritual teacher? My father is 72 and looks miles younger than dear Deepak…

  8. WetHotEnjoi

    Deepak kinda showed me I don’t have to be afraid of when I realize that I’m here right now living. That I exist, and I want to turn the fear into gratitude! 😁

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