Throughout the ages, various Gods have been associated with the zodiac signs, making angels also a natural association. Also, it has always been natural to associate angels with the zodiac signs, as both are celestial in origin. There is said to be up to four guardian angels that correspond to each zodiac sign. Here, we will explore the traditional angel correspondences. The traditional correspondences between zodiac signs and angels are as follows:
Traditional Guardian Angels of the Zodiac Signs
Aries – (Malahidael or Machidiel) – Machidiel is said to be the guardian angel of renewal and courage. He is the angel of the zodiac sign of Aries. He brings courage and strength to those who need it. He also brings renewal and rejuvenation to refresh those who need it.
Taurus – (Asmodel) – Asmodel is said to be the angel of service. Asmodel helps you to devote service-related efforts to help your fellow humans. Service and commitment are lessons of the zodiac sign of Taurus. He brings a sense of commitment and devotion.
Gemini – (Ambriel) – Ambriel is said to be the guardian angel of the yellow-ray. He correlates to the zodiac sign of Gemini. Ambriel brings good spirits to the broken and depressed. He also brings realization of the mind to those who feel conflicted.
Cancer – (Muriel) – Muriel has been said to be the guardian angel of peace. Peace is a vital lesson for Cancer. Muriel helps bring peace to those who need it. He also helps connect people to the divine.
Leo – (Ariel) – Ariel is said to be the angel of the orange ray. Ariel brings bravery and strength to those who need it. Building up confidence and strength is a lesson of the zodiac sign of Leo. Ariel also helps bring about resolutions to unharmonious situations.
Virgo – (Hamaliel) – Hamaliel is said to be the angel of the blue ray. Hamaliel helps bring a sense of greater self-awareness to those who need it. He also helps you develop a more optimistic outlook in times of pessimism.
Libra – (Zuriel or Uriel) – Zuriel is said to be the angel of harmony. This is a key theme for Libra, as libra seeks harmonious and well-balanced relationships. Zuriel will help you harmonize your spirit.
Scorpio – (Azrael) – Azrael is said to be the angel of Pluto. Azrael helps resolve past life karma and wounds that you may have carried over into your current incarnation. He helps with the healing process.
Sagittarius – (Adnachiel) – Adnachiel is said to be the guardian angel of sacrifice. Sacrifice is a key theme for the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Adnachiel will also help you form a union with your higher self.
Capricorn – (Cassiel) – Cassiel is said to be the angel of Saturn. Capricorn is under the ray of Saturn. Cassiel helps you understand your current destiny and life purpose.
Aquarius – (Cambiel or Gabriel) – Gabriel has been said to be the angel of happiness. Gabriel helps you form union with the divine which helps you achieve pure and natural happiness.
Pisces – (Barchiel) – Barchiel has been said to be the guardian angel of mastery. Barchiel brings power to those who need it and helps them to master their trade. He helps you with your current destiny and incarnation.
Mon angel vien me protege