What is Dowsing and how is it related to the chakras?
The art of dowsing goes back to the biblical ages and has evolved out of several different ancient cultures. Dowsing is used to probe, measure, and evaluate the energetic, chakra, or etheric fields.
Like many of the metaphysical arts, it relies on using an extra sense that goes beyond the common human senses. Raymond C. Willey, in Modern Dowsing, explains the art of dowsing by saying, “Dowsing is the exercise of a human faculty, which allows one to obtain information in a manner beyond the scope and power of the standard human physical senses of sight, sound, touch, etc.”
Perhaps the most practical way of dowsing has been demonstrated by those referred to as dowsers who work in earth related fields. Dowsers can be found in such positions as geology, water, and pipeline companies, and certain engineering companies. In this way, dowsing rods are being used to probe the earth’s magnetic grid.
Dowsing and Pendulum Use on the Chakras
Just as dowsing the earth’s magnetic grid, we can also use dowsing on people. Dowsing works best when we use a pendulum as the tool of choice. When practicing dowsing on people, it is best to use the energy centers of the human body, also well known as the chakra centers.
One of the best ways to sense the states of the chakras is by using a pendulum. The pendulum picks up the energy that is being emitted from each chakra.
Pendulum Movement and Correspondences to Chakra States
The specific movement of the pendulum can then determine the state of the chakra. It is recommended to do this exercise with a friend and have a piece of paper or journal to record your answers. One person would lie down on their back.
The other person would hold the pendulum a few inches above the body at each chakra point. Then, they will write down the direction and size of the pendulum swing for each chakra location. Here are the pendulum movements and their correspondences to the chakra states:
Pendulum movement: (Clockwise) – Chakra State: (Open)
Pendulum movement: (Counterclockwise) – Chakra State: (Closed)
Pendulum movement: (Straight line, either direction) – Chakra State: (Partially open/closed)
Pendulum movement: (Elliptical) – Chakra State: (Right/Left side imbalance)
No Pendulum movement – Chakra State: (Blocked)
Alternative Methods of Using a Pendulum on the Chakras
There are other ways to check for chakra states besides using the direct pendulum method listed above. A proxy for the body can also be used. This would consist of a drawing of the chakras as corresponding to the body’s chakras.
Lay the drawing or diagram on a flat surface. Dangle the pendulum above each chakra center. Record your results on another piece of paper or in a dedicated journal.
Another way to measure you or your friend’s chakra states is by using a chakra chart. This usually consists of a colored chart that has all the chakra points listed on it.
It usually also lists the attributes of each chakra. If you cannot get access to a chart, you also have the option to draw one on a piece of paper. Lay the chart on a flat surface. Start by holding your pendulum over the area at the center of the chart (there is usually a pointer on the chart that indicates the center).
You can then ask the pendulum such questions as, “Show me which chakra needs balance.” If you are feeling stressed out, you could ask, “Which chakra is contributing to my stress today?” You can then look over the attributes of that specific chakra.
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