Do you want to live your calling instead of just work?
Living your calling means that you are expressing the gifts your soul intended.
You are meant to do more than just have a career.
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Ask yourself, “What is it that when I MUST do before I leave this planet?”
This is more than your bucket list of places you need to travel. I’m talking about your unique way of making the world more beautiful.
In this video I share with you:
* Why you are ready NOW to share your gifts and stop second-guessing yourself
* Insights into your soul’s plan before you are born
* How to discern your soul’s intention rather than your ego
* The steps you can take to turn your calling into a prosperous career
I guide you through a powerful meditation with your Higher Self to tune into your soul.
You will connect with your intuition and elevate your energy so you can gain clarity and healing.
I also share with you an opportunity to join me in my Inner Circle for business mentoring and spiritual support.
Such a positive energy and smile Kari ❤️
This was unusual, for sure…not in a bad way…just not in a mind-driven, ego way. I saw what I originally thought was Sedona, because of the rock formations.It grew and grew (much larger than the Sedona valley), but definitely a Southwestern landscape…I was just free, peaceful, and in wonder…but, very much alone. Every now and then I saw a flash of light in the distance, when I focused in on that light, it was a person writing or sketching while facing the landscape from very high above the landscape (like they climbed atop each butte). The figure was dark, but I felt like it was me, although there were no defining features. I’m in wonderment about this…and what it has to do with my calling…which was my intention at the beginning of the visionwork.
I wanna be in this group or be a groopie????
You can join here – it’s on through February:
I think I finally found my like-minded soul, Kari
You are a really wonderful person, Kari, I am grateful to have met you and I hope I ll manage to connect with you more! I am still searching for my true purpose that I feel is still hidden but is just about to Crack open… Love you, thank you, bless you!! ????
Greetings from Greece ☀️☀️☀️☀️
I am not entirely sure what direction to take but I trust you, my Angels and the Universe. So much is beginning to open me up creatively. I would Love to do energy work but I am not sure where to begin. I am a Massage Therapist, certified in Reiki, who enjoys to make all natural homemade products, paint and serve people. Just recently I was inspired to take time to clean up the earth and so I feel like that was put on my path to take further. However, as far as the Reiki goes, just recently I had an energy healing and the healer stated that Reiki is not good. I have always had a connection with past loved ones and have really always longed to be able to heal others grief by being able to connect them to or connect for them to, past loved ones. In the past on ocassion I was able to give messages, but I am not exactly sure how to tune in exactly. I have some physic abilities but I guess we all do to some degree right?
Anyway, I don’t normally open myself up in this way. Just finding it difficult to know which thing to take and run with. I don’t like to limit myself. But I also have a goal to make a profound difference in some way in this world.
Kari & Jess..thank you for your honesty, thank you for your delivery, thank you for shining in everything you do! I truly, & honestly appreciate both of you! ❤
It sounds like b school is for business success. I’m not interested in that. Does b school help with spiritual development?
Your message is so on point. Exactly what I needed to hear right now. I really feel that 2020 is a year to connect with souls family. Thank you!!! ??
;~“~; I Love Kari….Thank you so much for showing uP!!! Thanks Jess for showing uP toooo!!!!Amazing…lol…I just unsubscribed from Marie because of the money and now lol…here I have a much clearer overstanding of Marie…I always knew I should do it, however, I was like, “that’s too much money”…now I seeee….I will join because I feel a connection and I KNOW THAT MY NEXT LEVEL IS WITH KARI AND MARIE….Thanks again Kari and Jess….Much Love and Light!!! Thank you for all the help you provide and all that you do!!!
Hi Kari! Nice to see you here Jess! As an intuitive Dayspa owner I was able to connect with people physically ,energetically and spiritually. Since I moved 600 miles away from my salon community I’ve had a difficult time converting to a technology based business. I teach The art of blending spirit with style. However, I’m not giving up. ✨
You are a spirit guide incarnate!
I wish I knew my calling. I really do not know my talents. I love to paint
I am Speaker and a Healer, and in my Visualization Exercise I saw two separate visions: 1. A muscular male athlete doing a stunt in the circus. 2. An elegant woman, Anna Karenina like, with a fan covering her face, with a luggage — her energy communicates femeninity, windy – easy-going, impatient, adventures.
??? What ???
Thank you!! I feel each time I allow myself the space to continue with my recent transformation that has moved me to major changes that followed that, I am sent to ppl who help validate or help me to enrich my thoughts so I can feel I’m moving in the right direction or help to recenter that feeling. You have helped me to gain a new additional area that really connects , and feels like I’m piecing my purpose clearer. It always allows a way to take steps I wasn’t taking either bc I didn’t see or I just didn’t feel ready till i knew enough and the things like I found here, i felt, was what I was now ready to hear and receive clearly to move to..