Reality is non-material.

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From Human to #Metahuman: Matter is useful superstition for creating technology. Reality is non-material.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. James Cropper

    Thank You Sir.


    Quantum Wooooo Woooooo!

  3. Honestmicky

    Deepak = The Best Ever

  4. Dr.Satish Sharma

    Excellent… thanks ?

  5. Om.Rashid ام راشد


  6. About Creativity

    Very good, ´´Human interpretation´´ ´´Human perceptual´´ Human consciousness interpreted´´ ´´Human mind´´ ´´Consciousness as the ontological primitive´´ ´´Consciousness modifies itself´´ ´´There is no separation between you and the (entire – all 6 directions) universe´´ ´´Pure consciousness´´ ´´Infinite mind´´ Entire – all 6 directions, no seat belts offered. Welcome.

  7. Tao Now

    I think he said “inert substance “ ya not inner??

  8. GreenEyedChild

    Thank you sir, ?’s kk

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