Surrender to the wisdom of uncertainty and let the universe flow through you

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When things go not exactly as planned trust that there is a bigger plan that serves you better.
Surrender to the wisdom of uncertainty.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Manifestation Godess

    I love your short videos

  2. sandi brill

    Thank you πŸ™
    Perfect timing β™₯οΈπŸ‘

  3. Miss Merry Berry

    Beloved Deepak ~ many, years ago, I heard your first talk on PBS and I experienced clarity in my mind just from listening to the sound of your voice talking. Somehow, I was able to understand very clearly everything you were discussing .. I think the topic was about health & wellness. A little later, I found your book in a public library, Laws of Prosperity, something like that. It’s been a long road, and now, you have become my synchronicity.. perfect timing with your mini messages..πŸ’ Life is so amazing my friend ..πŸ€—

  4. ana dias


  5. About Creativity

    Ok, Ready.

  6. Roylin Picou

    Yes and amen! If I don’t get want I want that means something more glorious awaits me! I allow the wow! Right here! Right now! We are the Wow! Thank you Deepak!

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